well new post!
mi legs hurt like hell! this training is good! i'll post pictures soon.
news, news... oh yes got into the gym, got a 50% discount in the inscription, but is due to open in june...
i'm sweting like a pig in my hockey trainings.. maybe i'm working harder on the ice? nice!
here are some random pictures of my kids
mi legs hurt like hell! this training is good! i'll post pictures soon.
news, news... oh yes got into the gym, got a 50% discount in the inscription, but is due to open in june...
i'm sweting like a pig in my hockey trainings.. maybe i'm working harder on the ice? nice!
here are some random pictures of my kids
i love this!
well gang..
"keep on trukin'"
feel good!
EDIT 2...
good edit! my dear friend madame pamita has offer her house in LA for the trip to Coachella!
i'm going to visit her but for the days we are going to shop in LA
pamita rules!
cada da las cosas tienen menos sentido
ya volv al defectuoso... ahora si, cundo te veo? te extrao cabrn, cabrn!
uhm.... qu ms....no s... todo iba por algo pero ya no s qu!
bueno un besi beso! adoro-te