hahaha, quien es ese chico tan sexy? shocked haha
In a way that kinda reminds me of Popeye-esque art. Thanks for the B-day wishes and sweet compliment on my picture! biggrin

it's really strange, i'm here for free, i've posted some blogs and stuff, and the free time is due this month...i guess wink and is strange because when i was paying a lot more people said hi, it makes me sad 'casue instead of getting closer to old friends and starting to know new ones i feel like once i'm off i'll have slim or...
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Gotham City Sirens is a new comic that just started with Catwoman, harley quinn, and poison ivy.

i just love fire fighters...

and i am in grad school and totally regretting the whole situation right now..

basically i was just being silly..
aaaah the weekend is at last here...

i have a pretty busy weekend though, i'm taking the third part or the reiki course, this one and then the master class, and i can wait for that to happen.

no ice hockey though...well just sunday night.. biggrin
and no hip hop class...bummer cause i really like it and we see a lot in one class..i know several...
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You know what, I really like the idea of all dressed in black in a white space. Don't know if I'd be able to find such a location, but I definitely like the idea.
yes, doing more than fine
thank you

well im all sore...i'm taking up on hip-hop dance class and i love it..but is really tough, then i'm training and playing some ice hockey scrimmage at nights...doing yoga every other day and moving around in my bike.

but i need to sleep more...i think i'm going to turn the computer off as soon as the sun sets...no more late night internet or movies......
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new friends old friends....

what is all this about meeting people over the net? some are rad some are not.
i sometimes wish i could meet all of you in the flesh, go and have a nice lunch and a gals of wine...or just hang in the park, go climbing or just do nothing by the sunlight...

i sometimes think that this is kinda unreal...
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some people i know fairly well (friends before sg). some people i met in person because of sg.

i consider this site to be one of that which you make it..... in other words, you get what you put into it.

im glad i "met" you... but since you don't hang out with sg chicago, i may never actually see you in person... doesn't mean that i value your friendship any less.
I would say it's totally rad.
Sure, you meet some scum-sucking douche bags only out to antagonize, and fight people...but I find the good far outweighs the bad on here.
I was hesitant to join, and put myself out there at first...but seriously, best decision I've made.
Not only are alot of my real-life friends on here, alot of my tight friends I've met on here...people that I couldn't even picture my life without.
I can talk to my buddies from all over without long distance charges, that's a bonus.
Being exposed to jobs, connections, traveling, and opportunities I would, otherwise, not have had.
I also love the fact that I could travel basically anywhere in the world, and have an SG that would take me in, and show me what's what.
I spend about an hour a day in the Silliness boards, that shit helps me get through every work day!
love my fellow Silliness folk.

In the SG Canada East group, we are all really tight, we have weekly meetings in Toronto, we have a monthly bowling night, karaoke night, zoo trips, baseball games, bar nights, museum trips, yearly camping vacations, and a prom every year. We are all very active, and kind people...people that you do meet in real life, and get along with.
...yeah, all in all, I fucking love it.

wednesday....and i'm not shure what o make of the time i have here.

i love it here, but lately i feel like this is not the way it should be...it's a strange feeling, even though my free time here is going to expire soon i know that i'm going to miss all this...

love you all!

"viva el santos"

S que me he quedado delgada... pero por qu crees que tiene que ver eso con lo del frenadol?

te han renovado cuenta?

I know I can't forget the past, and I've learned a lot from it. I just want to be able to move past it is all, in the relationship sense at least. I've managed to get past it all on other daily life things like with jobs and friends and whatnot. But I need to get past "him" in general and be able to move on eventually so I can date again.

I don't regret anything. I just want to move on.

And I passed on the wedding thing. I'm not ready for something that big just yet. I'm passing it off to the woman I'm interning with in hopes that I'll get to shadow the wedding or something and learn how to shoot one on my own and what types of equipment is needed and whatnot. smile
It was just nice that someone referred me with an opportunity like that, even if I can't accept it just yet.
thanks for the good wishes!

new week lets do good hings and be happy.

"viva el santos"
sorry man, s lo que sientes y pues ya est en un lugar mejor

lo siento.... yo recuerdo al buen gato....


well we are on a championship this weekend! nice game tonight, two games tomorrow night, one on sunday morning and finals on sunday night! pretty intense!


"viva el santos"

well things are weird here...sky's been overcast for the past 4 days...i love it biggrin but most people here would say i'm nuts..but that's me.

i'm giving a new class starting next week, a hatha yoga class, well i just need some students and that's all wink

it's early on the morning and i don't know what to say..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

"viva el santos"
i think im too sarcastic to appreciate your message. and there is no way on earth id get a door-to-door sales job. yuck!
hey all..

lazy sunday....

"viva el santos"
sunshine aint gonna get me my deposit back! haha. x