Pan-fried tofu and kale stir fry
Tofu Marinade:
1/4 cup water
1/4 soy sauce
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs mustard (brown/Dijon)
2 tbs maple syrup
Cayan pepper to taste
Tofu Dipping Sauce:
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs mustard
So obviously you drain and press the tofu. Once this is done, cut the tofu into 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick steaks (rectangles) and then cut those diagonally into triangles. Marinate it for as long as you can. I usually do mine over night or longer. Oil a pan and put it on low/medium heat. Add the tofu to the pan and add some fresh grated ginger root. Once the first side of your tofu looks like it's nearly burnt flip it and cook the other side the same way. For the last 5 minutes its in the pan I'll pour my marinade in and let it camelize and stick to the tofu some.
Mean while you need to cook your kale. De-vain it and tear it in to pieces. You can use a frying pan or a sause pan for this. Cover the bottom of your pan with some water. You're essentially going to be steaming the kale so use enough. Add all your kale to the pan and add a small amount of black pepper. Cover the pan and let it sit, occasionally stiring, until the kale is fully steamed and kind of mushy and delapitaded (not sure how else to describe it)
This is served over rice noodles, so make the noodles. Just follow the directions on the package. When the noodles are done strain and rinse them in cold water. Coat the noodles is oil and put them in a frying pan with your kale and cook that on med/hi heat for about 10 minutes STIR A LOT! the noodles will want to stick.
You're all done! Yay! Now serve the noodles and kale with a few pieces of tofu on top of them. Remember, presentation is very important so I usually put three tofu triangles on top in kind of a Mitsubishi logo fashion. Serve with the dipping sauce on the side for the tofu. Enjoy.
Tofu Marinade:
1/4 cup water
1/4 soy sauce
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs mustard (brown/Dijon)
2 tbs maple syrup
Cayan pepper to taste
Tofu Dipping Sauce:
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 tbs mustard
So obviously you drain and press the tofu. Once this is done, cut the tofu into 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick steaks (rectangles) and then cut those diagonally into triangles. Marinate it for as long as you can. I usually do mine over night or longer. Oil a pan and put it on low/medium heat. Add the tofu to the pan and add some fresh grated ginger root. Once the first side of your tofu looks like it's nearly burnt flip it and cook the other side the same way. For the last 5 minutes its in the pan I'll pour my marinade in and let it camelize and stick to the tofu some.
Mean while you need to cook your kale. De-vain it and tear it in to pieces. You can use a frying pan or a sause pan for this. Cover the bottom of your pan with some water. You're essentially going to be steaming the kale so use enough. Add all your kale to the pan and add a small amount of black pepper. Cover the pan and let it sit, occasionally stiring, until the kale is fully steamed and kind of mushy and delapitaded (not sure how else to describe it)
This is served over rice noodles, so make the noodles. Just follow the directions on the package. When the noodles are done strain and rinse them in cold water. Coat the noodles is oil and put them in a frying pan with your kale and cook that on med/hi heat for about 10 minutes STIR A LOT! the noodles will want to stick.
You're all done! Yay! Now serve the noodles and kale with a few pieces of tofu on top of them. Remember, presentation is very important so I usually put three tofu triangles on top in kind of a Mitsubishi logo fashion. Serve with the dipping sauce on the side for the tofu. Enjoy.