A very good friend of mine who is going to school in Florida came home for this past week. Last night she had her 3rd annual 'Food Fest'! All of your close friends (we keep it low key with just people we're really close with) go to her moms house and every person brings a vegetarian dish of some kind. Some get away with just bringing a side dish or snack they picked up at the store but most people put a lot of effort into it and make an entire meal. There is TONS of food. I made pan-fried tofu and kale stir fry. I'll include the recipe here because its really. Anyone who likes tofu should make it.
Also I'm really excited because my friend who is going to school in FL made me a cd of all new music. When she first moved to Florida I made her a 6 hour playlist to accompany her drive down. All the songs had something to do with growing, moving up, or moving on and they all fit movig away to college very well. So now she is returning the favor.
Also I'm really excited because my friend who is going to school in FL made me a cd of all new music. When she first moved to Florida I made her a 6 hour playlist to accompany her drive down. All the songs had something to do with growing, moving up, or moving on and they all fit movig away to college very well. So now she is returning the favor.