Today started out great until lunch. A good friend is a manager of a micro brew and while there eating, he informed me that the owners group told him he was going to be fired in three weeks. These guys are so fucking stupid, as my friend had been running the place now four years, three more than their owning it. Ever since they bought it, they've screwed it up as they don't know the first thing about brewing or running a restaurant. So they blaime everything on him. He's probably better off not being there with this sort of shit, and I know he'll have no problem getting hired elsewhere. It just pisses me off that this supposedly intelligent group of investors don't know their head from their ass, and my friend is the one getting screwed!!!! I wish my company was in a position to give him a job, but it isn't, and he knows nothing of graphics.
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Wednesday Oct 02, 2002
It's all going so fast! -
Monday Sep 23, 2002
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Sunday Sep 08, 2002
Worked late last night designing graphics for a trailer for a guy in … -
Wednesday Sep 04, 2002
)^(*^ ^ *&^&*)^ ((^ "K "KI @#^%"" H $% &&& (^&*^ ()& _&KM;&l… -
Monday Aug 26, 2002
Today started out great until lunch. A good friend is a manager of a … -
Saturday Aug 24, 2002
It's raining! But today is Toy Day here in East Aurora, NY, the home … -
Friday Aug 23, 2002
Life is even better today. With anothers help, I got my image up and … -
Thursday Aug 22, 2002
Well, as much as I enjoy this site, it also has me pissed, in that I …