It's raining! But today is Toy Day here in East Aurora, NY, the home of Fisher Price toys. So that's where I'm headed, as the annual parade has grown to the size of a Macy's Day, almost. Some of the bands that participate are fromt he Macy's Day, then we all head to the park and party!
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 12, 2002
Two days ago it was -1F, Yesterday, 28F, and today, 38F. Keep that so… -
Wednesday Dec 11, 2002
Today our office manager made me snap, and I told her I was sick of l… -
Monday Dec 09, 2002
It was -1 when I woke up! -
Friday Dec 06, 2002
Man am I fucked UP! Just came fromthe company party. RIGHT!!!! Now I… -
Tuesday Dec 03, 2002
I've been so busy lately. As the racing season has been over a month … -
Monday Nov 11, 2002
Just got back from Daytona this morning. Ended our season on an up no… -
Thursday Oct 31, 2002
Today I got the biggest break since I started my graphics business, a… -
Monday Oct 28, 2002
Just got back from VIR. Finished the first race 1, 2 and 3, taking al… -
Friday Oct 18, 2002
Spent most of the week getting new graphics for the cars and cleaning… -
Monday Oct 14, 2002
Spent a rainy weekend at Lime Rock. Half the races were canceled, but…