Shit's for some magazine; my first published freelance work I got some duckets for.
Weekly Shit I learned:
1. TV only gets good at 2 in the morning, when the Girls Gone WIld Infomercials come on. I feel like a 12 year old again, watching blurred-out titty for some kicks. I swear the next time I'm with a girl I'll be so disapointed when her nipples aren't pixelated.
2. During the shitty-hard three minutes of uphill climbing on the Universal CardioLife Bike Thing I hop on every day, blasting Bad Religion's Supersonic twice in a row really keeps you motivated through the whole thing.
3. 2005 is gonna be huge, like, Billy-fucking-Fucillo huge for the shit I'm launching.
4. How much of a crime is it that Hillary fainted on stage and Ann Coulter, well, didn't.
5. I need names for a new comic strip I want to write. Any suggestions??
BWAHAHAHA! Shit, that's even better - seriously! I'ma save it in my pics folder.
You're going to hell for using that picture of me.