Man, forever and ever and ever since I posted. Just a busy busy bee. FINALLY got the house like 80% under control, the pool is filled and has a brand spanking new filter, homey's gonna come out tomorrow to show me just what the hell to do now, most of the rooms are painted and the furniture is moved in. Yeesh. Good thing I work like one day a week otherwise none of this shit would ever get done. Ahh, and the lady has moved in as well, so getting to be with her lots and lots is awesome, too.
Here she is giving me a lecture.
Here she is smiling because she thinks she got me to listen to her lecture me.
This is us.
I love her so much it's ridic.
And here's the TURBO.
And here's a pic of my dick for those that wanna see.
Here she is giving me a lecture.

Here she is smiling because she thinks she got me to listen to her lecture me.

This is us.

I love her so much it's ridic.
And here's the TURBO.

And here's a pic of my dick for those that wanna see.
IN other news, got myself a Cintiq 12W, which is a fancy computer screen that lets you draw on it with a fancy pen. All fanciness for me. Here's the first completed piece I've done with it, although I've also messed around with a few other sketches here and there, and, more importantly, I've completed a few pages of my latest comic with it, so someone needs to toast me for that.
Anyways, back to waiting for Comcast to be done installing my shit so I can go for a damned jog.