I knew this was going to happen, and it did. I was talking to Michael today and he said he would prefer if I didn't stay at his house tonight (I have been for like two weeks) because he wants a night alone every once in a while and his landlord said something about it. Michael is my uncle, by the way. That's okay, I...
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I had fun at work today. The guy who reminds me of a teddy bear talked to me a bunch. We talked about everything from hot pockets being good when you're drunk to the mest show tonight. Okay, we really didn't cover much, that was about it. tongue But he was staring at me (I swear I'm not lying or imagining things) and it wasn't creepy....
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My SG account runs out tomorrow. This isn't by choice... The credit-card I've been using to pay for my membership is maxed (well, actually it's way overmaxed). whatever It was nice to know you for the little while that I did... Oh, and, I'm sure that the guy who was staring at you did not see a single flaw, but instead was mesmorized by your beauty... love You're a sweet girl, and very pretty... I wish you all the best... Bye...


[Edited on Nov 09, 2004 3:01AM]
Awww. I knew your credit card was maxed because I read in your journal, but I thought you'd find a way to pay. frown That's so sad. You're such a cool guy, I'm sad to see you go. frown I hope you find a way to get back on the site. And thanks for the compliments, too. smile
More complaints because, as I realize now, I am a complainer. Possibly worse than Kate. hmm.. Maybe not. But up there. So I feel like absolute shit today. I got to work, and figured things would be good because I got to hang out with cool people. No. The kid who reminds me of a teddy bear (because, or maybe why, I want to hug...
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Ew. I woke up this morning at my mom's house and I was already miserable. Maybe I had a bad dream. But then as I'm laying down just thinking, my sister is talking on the phone to this girl I hate and she's talking about how she had sex last night.. in detail. First, it's gross because it's my sister. Second, what happened to her...
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hang in there doll skull
I'm so depressed. Bush won, and legally this time. I'm gaining weight (and I can visibly tell. ) I'm going to blame it on three things: 1) I go to Michael's house for home cooked meals (with lots of potatoes) late at night. 2) Katie left and I have nobody to run with or keep me motivated by competition AND companionship. 3) I've been lonely...
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Need some sex, huh? wink Pittsburgh's not that far away, I'd be more than happy to spend the gas money to make the trip... biggrin

I've been having some friend problems myself lately... I can't make them get along. What it's coming down to is that I can only hang out with each of them one at a time. They're mad at each other over really pissy, stupid little things. I've tried to play the role of diplomat, but to no avail... frown

I have a question (you don't have to answer if you don't want to)... Do you wish that Katie was more than just a close friend to you? In other words, how do you really feel about her?

[Edited on Nov 05, 2004 3:56PM]
blush No, I said I need a boyfriend.

That's the problem Kate's having. None of us get along and it makes it inconvenient for her. She has to plan around everyone. I wouldn't know, but I bet it sucks.

hah No, no, I'm just interested in friendship.
So I lied about the pictures. We only got one (of me) and I don't know if you can see my costume in it, it might just be my face. So I was a little too drunk to remember I wanted pictures. Yeah, a little.
I had a good time, though. We didn't get to go trick or treating because we were a bit too...
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Travis quit. frown THAT's why I haven't seen him all week. I thought he was sick or something. Oh, well. He has friends that still work with me. hah Anyway... Okay, that's really all I have, nothing to back up that anyway. Umm... l've been staying at my uncle's house so I didn't have to stay at my mom's or Kate's and he feeds me good...
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Vast's singer, John Crosby (who is the center-point of the band, the rest of the musicians come and go for studio-work and live shows), could be compared to Bono of U2. The music is hard to characterize. All of the songs have great atmosphere, and the sound is very lush. Some of their songs are guitar-oriented and riff-driven, others involve more piano and keysbaords. Nude is my favorite album (their third). I also really like Music For People (their second), which is slightly more rock-oriented. Visual Audio Sensory Theater, their first, is my least favorite, but it's still pretty good (I seem to be in the minority among Vast fans, as many of them like V.A.S.T. more than the second two).

Be sure to post those pics of you dressed up to trick-or-treat soon! smile Hope you had fun...
I had the best day at work yesterday. Travis was there. love He is just such a cute kid. I don't even know him, but every time I see him I want to wrap my arms around him. Which makes me, in reality, blush and say stupid things. I did better yesterday than usual, though. I talked to him a little bit. And get this, I...
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smile Glad you're so happy... smile

[Edited on Oct 28, 2004 1:11AM]
So I found out it's not my fault I've been miserable this week.

And I feel more miserable now. I don't know why. Well, I do a little bit. I'm tired of hearing everyone else (cough*Kate*cough) complain about EVERY LITTLE THING. I mean, there is no pleasing some people. Plus her mom is pulling something wierd on me. She told Kate that when I drive...
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I'd borrow her car again, drive it around until the tank is nearly empty, leave some gargbage in it (like a McDonald's bag), and find some way to smear something on the windshield (you could sneeze all over it and then wipe it around with your sleeve)... biggrin shocked eeek

About the "people like to shit on me" comment... I know the feeling. Sucks, doesn't it...? surreal
I love suicide girls, you guys are so awesome kiss
So Katie wanted to come home for Halloween. Not because she misses us, (well, partly that, but it would have been nice if she'd said it) but because she bought a Marylin Monroe-like white halter dress on Ebay (which she couldn't afford, even though she got over being too spoiled to work, which only half counts because she has yet another cushy job-- and yet...
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You need new friends. Really. I hope you don't mind me writing this, but, from what you've written in your journal entries, it seems as if you only hang around people who put you down rather than lift you up; these are not "friends"...

"Coning"?. I have heard of some dumb shit, but, that takes the cake. What a stupid bitch! And Katie still considers her a friend? There's another reason to get away from her... If Katie was really your friend, she'd tell Missy to go to hell.

This is what will happen if you continue to hang around people like Katie: They'll keep doing what they do, because people like that never change, and they'll keep sucking the life out of you. Why spend any time at all worrying about things like that if you don't have to? You're friends are supposed to make you feel good; when they don't, it's time to find new ones. You seem very nice, intelligent, and considerate, so, you can find other friends. The first step is to realize that the old ones aren't worth the effort anymore.

Also: You put a frown after your comment about the "lucky bastard" I wrote about in one of my journal entries (the guy who had the girl all over him in his car). Why frown? They seemed to be very love, not frown. LOL. I know I would be love love love in that situation. smile

[Edited on Oct 20, 2004 11:22PM]
I don't mind you saying it, I know it's true. It's just hard for me to make good friends, and when I find someone that sort of works, I don't want to lose them because even someone who functions as well as she does is hard to find. For some reason people like to shit all over me. Only emotionally, of course.

hah I was sad I'm not a lucky bastard.

[Edited on Oct 23, 2004 12:34AM]
So man I did a lot of shit today. I was productive. I mailed letters and stuff to Katie that she wanted from home, which I never do. I wait until I have a million letters, even if they're important. I'm a true procrastinator. Then I washed my hair... I was going to post a picture but the quality isn't good enough to tell what...
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So I forgot to write about this last night because I was too self involved to remember. blush So I drove Katie's mom to work yesterday... Actually, I don't think I mentioned that I do that sometimes. I also sleep at her house a lot. Gets me away from my mom and my sister. (There's more than one reason I want to go off to college....
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Don't worry about not finishing high school. I have a friend who got his GED and then went to college and did fine. High school is a joke. I was a C student (barely) while in high school. I'm doing a thousand times better in college. It all has to do with motivation. If you want to go to college, try hard and do well, you will... Hell, I wish I could've skipped those wonderful years in high school and just taken a test. smile

If you get your GED and take the SAT's before January, can you enroll in classes for the Spring term? If so, and if you're applying for financial aid, you might want to see about starting the application process now.

About your friend's mom- If she wants to say bad things about her daughter, just ignore it. You can't change the way a middle-aged person thinks. It's not worth getting outraged over.

Such a big deal is made about how the children of the last generation or so have been either too lazy or too whiny or obsessed with sex and money or just flat-out evil... To anyone who makes this criticism, I say, look at our parents, then tell us how I we were supposed to turn out any different? June fucking Cleaver turned her back on the 80's, 90's, and now the 00's (is "00" right?). LOL.

You asked me in a previous, previous journal response why I considered being obsessed with naked women a vice... I've been thinking about that one, and I've decided that answering the question would give away more about myself than I feel like giving away on this website. wink Sorry.

White Noise does look scary as hell. I used to enjoy learning about "paranormal activity", or whatever you want to call it. I'd never heard of electronic voice phenomena before this, though. Lately, things having to do with the paranormal or the occult have become kind of preposterous (more so than normalbiggrin). I used to read a lot about wicca and other types of paganism (which I see that you're into, from your "Groups"), but in the last couple of years it seems as if paganism has become more of a fad than a spiritual movement. So many books have come out from people who claim to be "experienced" in this. Quite dangerous, in my opinion, as anyone who can hold influence over another with any type of religious instruction has the potential to do greater harm than good to that person's mind... This website is interesting though: Wicca: For the Rest of Us (No More Fluffy Bunnies); the information on it seems grounded in reason, and it's not afraid to mock some of the bullshit that some people in the wiccan/pagan community have been spreading around as if it were fact.

I like you new member-name. Would you pronounce that "Ay-dyah", or "Ah-dah" (hope the way I wrote those out phonetically made sense). smile

[Edited on Oct 19, 2004 5:39PM]
Yeah, but I'm just talking about community college, not the real deal. That I'll work out for next year. My plan is that I'm hoping it'll look good that I started taking classes already.

And it's kind of hard, because I have to hear both of them complain about each other and I can see some of each of their points, but of course I can't say much because they'll repeat it. Then I get in a world of trouble. Stuck back at my mom's house full time or friendless. Tough decision, so I just try to keep my mouth shut, although sometimes it's hard.

White noise is more than scary as hell, it's scarring! I couldn't blow dry my hair alone this morning after I saw it. Guess I should explain that... I have this crazy fear that while the blow dryer is running someone is going to sneak up on me and kill me and I won't hear them coming. whatever Yeah, I'm interested in that stuff, but it still scares me shitless. confused Slightly strange situation.
I agree with you on all of that.

Thanks, it's pronounced like it looks, closer to the latter. It's jewish for "beautiful addiction." It's part of my alter-ego, Gwendolyn Adah, or (Gwen) Adah, for short.