Hahaha I have about an hour before I have to go to studio... so I thought it might be time for an update!! It's been a month since I last posted and a lot has happened!!!! All has been going well.... well that's not totally true. School is still the main focus of all my time, but I'm almost done. There's about two weeks left!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!! It came so fast and now I'm scrambling to get everything done!! Now that it's craziness at school my body has decided to give up on me... hahaha. In the last two week I've had to deal with infected wisdom teeth that had to get pulled asap, also I have a broken tooth on the opposite side that decided to abscess itself, so I'm on penicillin for that and I have to get a root canal done next week. Hahaha. Then last Saturday at work I got a second degree burn on my finger from a chemical splash. That shit hurt so bad, and it kind of still does. The water blister I got was so huge. Now it's still sensitive to heat and the skin dried up ad is cracking everytime I move my finger.OUCH!!!!!!! Hahaha. Anyways I'm surviving... I can deal with some pain!! haha. It just sucks all the time that it's wasting for me.
On Tuesday it was Rubix's birthday!!! And three days before that it was Lee's birthday!!!! So we had a lot of birthday events in the past few days. We had a really sweet fondue dinner on last Friday with a bunch of friends!! Rubix finally got a cell phone!!!!! She's really happy!!!! Oh boy!!! She is now connected to everyone whenever she goes out. God help me!!!
Like I said school is almost done!!! I have a bunch of pictures of some of my stuff and a lot more to come. I've been working with another artist in class to do this huge drawing project. It was our long term project and we had a couple weeks to do it. It's about 6-7 feet high and about 14 feet long.
I've been extremely busy in my printing class also. Actually I spent over 12 hours there yesterday and I have to go back today!! I really love printing... it's so fucking sweet!!! Anyways check out some of my stuff.
This is my second plate after my money plate. This one also took me HOURS to etch!!!!!
This is my third plate.
These are some surface rolls of my first two plates. It was something I was trying and I like the results but it's not my favorite. Let me know what you think!!
I have more stuff to come but it's all works in progress right now. I'm going nuts trying to finish it all so as soon as it's done I'll take pics. I probably won't be able to come back to SG for about two weeks though so you're going to have to wait. haha. Gosh I miss everyone so much!!!!!!
I'll leave you with some great pictures of my roommates and me at Halloween!!! Geez it's been that long since I've posted. I never even posted Halloween pictures.... the nerve of me!!!!! Anyways we went as the rejected cast of Cats the musical. Good times.
And here's just me!!
On Tuesday it was Rubix's birthday!!! And three days before that it was Lee's birthday!!!! So we had a lot of birthday events in the past few days. We had a really sweet fondue dinner on last Friday with a bunch of friends!! Rubix finally got a cell phone!!!!! She's really happy!!!! Oh boy!!! She is now connected to everyone whenever she goes out. God help me!!!

Like I said school is almost done!!! I have a bunch of pictures of some of my stuff and a lot more to come. I've been working with another artist in class to do this huge drawing project. It was our long term project and we had a couple weeks to do it. It's about 6-7 feet high and about 14 feet long.

I've been extremely busy in my printing class also. Actually I spent over 12 hours there yesterday and I have to go back today!! I really love printing... it's so fucking sweet!!! Anyways check out some of my stuff.
This is my second plate after my money plate. This one also took me HOURS to etch!!!!!

This is my third plate.

These are some surface rolls of my first two plates. It was something I was trying and I like the results but it's not my favorite. Let me know what you think!!

I have more stuff to come but it's all works in progress right now. I'm going nuts trying to finish it all so as soon as it's done I'll take pics. I probably won't be able to come back to SG for about two weeks though so you're going to have to wait. haha. Gosh I miss everyone so much!!!!!!
I'll leave you with some great pictures of my roommates and me at Halloween!!! Geez it's been that long since I've posted. I never even posted Halloween pictures.... the nerve of me!!!!! Anyways we went as the rejected cast of Cats the musical. Good times.

And here's just me!!

Thank you for appreciating my work
Thanks again for the uber-awesome print. I truly love it!!!!!
All the best for the New Year!!!!!
; )