I just spent one of the most amazing weekends ever!! Friday night we went out to the Yelle show and it was insane!!! Hung out with Lemonkid at the show!!!! Good times!! Then Saturday was the opening day at the mountain!!!!!!!! I fucking love opening day at the mountain!!!!!!! It rained on us for most of the day but who gives a shit... the mud was a fucking blast!!! It was a little hard to keep control of your bike because all the tree roots become so slippery but damn was it fun. The trail builders made some new wicked jump and berms in some of the trails. Gotta love the trail builders!!!!!!! No crashes!!!! First day out and I didn't crash at all.... let's hope this mean a safe and injury free season. Then last night we went out to the SGMTL get together and it was fun. Not many people showed but all the cool cats were there!! Today I'm going to spend the day cuddled up with Rubix in a giant blanket and watch movies. It's raining and we're both a little hung over.... so whats better then movies, a huge blanket and the lady you love.... not much!!!!hahaha
Go give Lee's Go Habs GO set some love in members review!!! Her team lost last night so I'm sure she could use some of your love... plus she's so damn hot!!!!
Go give Lee's Go Habs GO set some love in members review!!! Her team lost last night so I'm sure she could use some of your love... plus she's so damn hot!!!!

i had the coolest nightgown EVA!
ohs, and i looked up those movies you recommended, the first two seem like they'd be pretty cool. i wonder if i can find them at a rental place.
i've not watched many documentaries though.. so i don't know how that would go down. :3