wow it is hot outside.....i just went for a walk and got what i think is the final touch for my lady's outfit for the gala.i went and got her nail polish....geez i hope i got the right one.the other night she had one of our friends come over to finish her dress....and another friend to do her hair.she was like a doll....all these girls working on my lady to make her so pretty.and holy crap she is gonna look so hot!!! its so sweet she bought a wicked dress.....and just to make sure that its unique she and our friend added things to it and made it shorter and....well just turned it into what she really wanted.they did an amazing job on it....i can't wait to show you pictures.i can't wait to see her all done up!!! damn i love that girl!!!
today is la_vipere's go wish her the happiest ever!!!!
2 more days till the gala!!!! damn i want to party now!!!!!!!
today is la_vipere's go wish her the happiest ever!!!!
2 more days till the gala!!!! damn i want to party now!!!!!!!
p.s merci encore pour les bonne fete ,on se vois p-t samedi !!! si tu viens pas samedi ,appele sur mon cell dimanche pour le tam-tam ,j'ai perdu votre numero :S ....