I've had a lot start to change lately recently, which has given me a fairly decent chance to sit back, look at the wider picture and consider things. In doing so, I keep coming back to something my father said to me when I was young. I'm not even sure if he realised how much it would stick with me over time. Essentially, he said in any walk of life you may have friends and acquaintances, but you'll have a very few select true friends. He went on to explain that this would be the type of person that could turn up at your door at two o'clock in the morning after five years of no contact needing a hand and there'd be no issues. And that would always be happy to do the same for you. I genuinely feel blessed that I can name a few people from each stage of my life, from Primary school onwards that I feel fit this bill. Some, I don't have conversations with often, some I see regularly, some live within a short drive while others are now half the world away. However, with that level of support, I'll never really be alone, wherever life takes me.