- on squidproquo's page
I got my SG t-shirt. It makes my boobs look massive.
Yeah, hey.
perhaps you received a gift account?

I am writing to you from the comfort of my new apartment's living room. Ed is watching Japanese cartoons on OnDemand and ironing our work clothes, and I am listening to the sound of the dishwasher. Our bedroom looks like clothes chaos right now, and there's still boxes and belongings randomly strewn about the living room and dining room, but I am so goddamn happy....
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New apartment and cartoons and Japanese - OH MY!
your way rock star!

Hey!... How are you beautiful? I am sorry about being such a flake.... about not calling or following through about our plans to hang out/....I found out a few days after we IMed that I have HG.... which is hyperemesis gravidarum.... take the usual morning sickniness and multiply like by a million... .... I have been completly inable to eat or drink anything for weeks... I am actaully feeling a lot better... but... not really... so here in the first week of my 5th month... after losing 20 lbs I am 1 lb heavier.... the baby is growing somehow and I am starting to show... but its sort of scray looking as you can see like just that bumpish outline of where the baby is... attractive.... huh? I wrote down your info... Mine is in my journal as I am leaving here as well.. I hope you read this... and still think I am friend worthy!
Love ya
Love ya
Fuck yeah. Better late than never, right?
This, with Final Drive, is one of my rejected interviews. I am, in all honesty, still upset that this one never made it "live", as I was actually very proud of the finished product. And because those kids were just so damned awesome. Seriously, they were the nicest bunch you could ever imagine. I feel like balls...
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This, with Final Drive, is one of my rejected interviews. I am, in all honesty, still upset that this one never made it "live", as I was actually very proud of the finished product. And because those kids were just so damned awesome. Seriously, they were the nicest bunch you could ever imagine. I feel like balls...
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Congrats on getting packed. It is the worst, I know from lots of experience.
Keep in touch after you're gone.
Keep in touch after you're gone.

thank you for the birthday wishes and happy be-lated birthday to Emily. i wish you the best of luck in life after SG.

Today I was packing breakable things. I went to my parent's house to steal this weeks' newspapers, and came home to attend to padding the vases and picture frames and things. By chance, I happened to notice that reality (the teen section of the county paper) is holding a tenth anniversary reunion. Since I am sucker for meaningless nostalgia, and because I joined the panel...
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im gonna miss ya. you were one of my first SG friends
i like your post in my journal. wish you would stay. you are someone I need to know.
So, I had this dream the other night about the male doctor at our practice. Ya know, the guy who's my frigging boss. And while I don't remember much about it, I do know that today I went in and totally wanted to make out with him.
Along with the myriad other problems with this particular scenario, he is approximately three inches shorter than me....
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Being in South Carolina those baptists are just as abundant as the mosquitos. Frightening really.
I am interested in where you are moving to as well. My hubby is from Pittsburgh. Get into hockey much?
Hope your little girl had a good birthday. How old is she? My little princess is 5.
Sorry to hear about your car being broken in to. I've had that happen. I caught the guy in the act and when he started running I ran after him screaming obscenities which didn't work. Unfortunately I couldn't catch him with my lasso of "fuckin' pussy!!!".
I was initially just leaving you a message saying thank you for the nice words regarding my pic
that was too sweet. Hope the next few days are better...
I am interested in where you are moving to as well. My hubby is from Pittsburgh. Get into hockey much?
Hope your little girl had a good birthday. How old is she? My little princess is 5.
Sorry to hear about your car being broken in to. I've had that happen. I caught the guy in the act and when he started running I ran after him screaming obscenities which didn't work. Unfortunately I couldn't catch him with my lasso of "fuckin' pussy!!!".
I was initially just leaving you a message saying thank you for the nice words regarding my pic

hey man, leave the shorties alone

Things to do tomorrow on my day off:
1. get eyebrows waxed, as they currently resemble caterpillers
2. go to Wal-Mart
3. drop off husband's court summons, so as to not have him arrested, and drop off the car, so as to not go one more day with shitty brakes
4. pack the kitchen, for the love of GOD pack the kitchen
5. momentarily rejoice...
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1. get eyebrows waxed, as they currently resemble caterpillers
2. go to Wal-Mart
3. drop off husband's court summons, so as to not have him arrested, and drop off the car, so as to not go one more day with shitty brakes
4. pack the kitchen, for the love of GOD pack the kitchen
5. momentarily rejoice...
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I read your dating profile and just wondered how many husbands and children you have?
I hate packing, I also hate unpacking (I've been uppacking since we moved in last October. I can't seem to decide where I want things to go in our new place.)
Hope your packing went well, and that you had a good weekend.
I hate packing, I also hate unpacking (I've been uppacking since we moved in last October. I can't seem to decide where I want things to go in our new place.)
Hope your packing went well, and that you had a good weekend.

It was a round, but seedless watermelon. I skipped it. I'll find one eventually.
I just noticed I wrote uppacking instead of unpacking in my previous comment. oops!
My weekend went well, but too fast. and I'm mad busy for the next two weeks and weekends. I need to get away!
Pack your kitchen!
I just noticed I wrote uppacking instead of unpacking in my previous comment. oops!
My weekend went well, but too fast. and I'm mad busy for the next two weeks and weekends. I need to get away!
Pack your kitchen!
Sixteen days until the move. We're barely half packed. It still seems really far away, and it's hard to motivate myself when it's 87 degrees in here.
One of the girls at work is having trouble. She's ten weeks pregnant and not doing well. So I've been covereing her shifts. Couple that with the fact that the last two weeks at the office have been...
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One of the girls at work is having trouble. She's ten weeks pregnant and not doing well. So I've been covereing her shifts. Couple that with the fact that the last two weeks at the office have been...
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I update now.
Moving in 21 days. And this week I have already worked 30 hours, even though I was only supposed to be working 18 total. Lots of doubles. Lots of obnoxious patients. Lots of cranky doctors. But lots of extra money, which I can always use. However, all of this extra work is severly cramping my packing style. Hardly anything is set to...
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Moving in 21 days. And this week I have already worked 30 hours, even though I was only supposed to be working 18 total. Lots of doubles. Lots of obnoxious patients. Lots of cranky doctors. But lots of extra money, which I can always use. However, all of this extra work is severly cramping my packing style. Hardly anything is set to...
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Hi I haven't forgoten about you. I am sorry about this week. Everything is going wrong rigth now. My car. I am getting divorced. I am filing a PFA I think. Everything sucks.
I hope you don't hate me!
I hope you don't hate me!

whatcha writin'?
Like, already unbearable with humidity slowly suffocating me second by milifuckingsecond hot though...we had to break down and put in the A/C units yesterday. I had sort of hoped we might coast until near July...but alas here we are.
Stupid summer in the city.
Stupid summer in the city.

I hear it's time to update. So, here we go.
I'm getting paid now, as I was offered a permanent position after externship, albeit part-time. Doctor Mac is awesome. He made me get paid time and a half for yesterday. And he's so patient with me now that I'm taking over the front desk one night a week.
In addition to that, I have an...
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I'm getting paid now, as I was offered a permanent position after externship, albeit part-time. Doctor Mac is awesome. He made me get paid time and a half for yesterday. And he's so patient with me now that I'm taking over the front desk one night a week.
In addition to that, I have an...
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I suck! I suck! I suck! I suck!
I am sorry.... grrrr.... I promise...... MONDAY!!!!!!
For sure!
I am sorry.... grrrr.... I promise...... MONDAY!!!!!!
For sure!
Sounds like your dreams are starting to take off! Don't worry about the money SG costs, once you're working, the $5 a month is nothing.
I had to go through something similar. I wanted to make groups with cool topics and filled with excellent information contributed by yours truly. I had four groups, but one day one was deleted for no rhyme or reason. After that I gave away all my groups. But I still hang out to chat with a few cool people. Hope ya stay!
I had to go through something similar. I wanted to make groups with cool topics and filled with excellent information contributed by yours truly. I had four groups, but one day one was deleted for no rhyme or reason. After that I gave away all my groups. But I still hang out to chat with a few cool people. Hope ya stay!

Hey, stranger. Where you at?
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Maybe all you really need right now is a grilled cheese sandwich. It's quite possible that if you savor a well-made version of that earthy delicacy, the things that are off-kilter in your life will get smooth and fresh again. I'm not kidding, Aries. The adjustment that will help you get back on track is likely to be minor--if not a grilled cheese sandwich, then maybe a haircut or a new bedspread or a five-minute conversation that corrects a misimpression. That reminds me of another secret I want to tell you: Small actions can have big impacts.
Oh, and since you seem to have quite a few army point, what's the best way to get them? I need a free membership!