Well howdy do do. I’ve been MIA with suicidegirls for a few months ever since my recent set Homeward came out..” why? Well cause within this community I have lost a bit of confidence. Not sure where I stand, if I’ll continue, or if I’m good enough. Even for being a plus sized alternative black model. Isn’t that a conundrum?
I have my body confidence and I flaunt it well outside of here. I don’t have the financial means to do shoots, my job is pure shit. Trust me I am NOT throwing a pity party. I don’t want that. But I have found a new outlet for me to be good at something else I love.
Video games and streaming. So I have Twitch. I am an affiliated streamer for twitch.tv and I love every minute of it. Soon I hope to stream on the SG Twitch channel. But for right now, streaming is my main priority until I can find a steady income to pay for photoshoots and photographers.
If you wish to keep up with me I am always on twitter, and Snapchat and Instagram. I’m sorry I can’t give y’all the proper content you deserve. Soon I will. But I hope you continue to follow me through my new experience.
Much ❤️