I would really like to see my set Homeward to make it to 1000 likes. I know I have a lot of work before I can start saying “let’s make “...” FP” but I’d really like one of my sets that I have in the member review to make it to 1000 likes. That’s a attainable goal for now isn’t it? I’ve received such amazing and comforting support on Homeward and want to see it do really well because I am super proud of the work that went into it. (Thank you @filicity) :)
So yeah! Share it, love it, like it, talk about and post about it! I love y’all so much. It makes me so happy that people in the SG community can be so nice and supportive of a black, alternative, plus size model like me. 😭 it means more than you’ll know. ❤️❤️