@rambo @lyxzen @myzaree
I am so happy to have started my suicidegirls journey at the beginning of this year. Being apart of this community I have learned to love my body and myself even more than I did before. I learn from girls I don't talk to and girls I have come to call friends. @maudlin @kiket @fresa @asami . I'm still new so I'm gaining new friends and learning to be more outgoing on making them. I can't for it.
I'm thankful for my fiancé for sticking with me and loving me regardless of my claws (totally meant flaws, but I liked claws as well haha) and insecurities. He helps me to keep going and makes sure I never give up on any dream I have. I love him with all my heart, I know that at times it's not easy to sit back and accept all the attention I get from being a hopeful. But he knows I'm always going to be with him.
I'm thankful for my parents who always keep me going and to never give up on me and what I want to do with my life. They are the anchors in my life and the steering wheels.
I loved this homework, thank y'all for this one. <3