hai hai everyone! so! it's been a few weeks since I last posted. sorry. work has been bananas, I hate it one day, I love it the next, paychecks keep getting better. all over the place.
went to see my fiance's family on the fourth and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.I got super hammered the night before, but was able to pull it together for the family barbecue the next day. with water and popcorn. haha!
anyway, been trying to find confidence again, so I bought some new lingerie and stuff for the fiance to try out. ;) and going to start shooting my 2nd set on my own soon. I feel I get more out of me when it's just me, in front and behind the camera. Is that weird or crazy?
but yeahh, going to start being more active on here again I promise, I have the sghopeful snapchat the week of the 18th. so make sure you tune in that week for some live sexy sneaks. ;)
I hope all of y'all are doing super amazing, and thank you ever so much for the support I have been getting. and make sure to follow my IG account (momokittychan.sgh) and tell me what you'd like to see on there,
okay arigatogosaimu