Apparently my insomnia is back. Which wouldn't be a huge issue if I weren't flying out early in the morning. To go to the birthday party of a distant cousin that I've never met. I've never been to any other events in this kid's life, so I have no idea why this one is suddenly so important. Yay for forced social obligations. Oh, and apparently my dad is embarrassed by the way I dress so he bought me a bunch of new clothes for the trip. Yay for dressing to please other people. Someday I'm going to have to grow a pair and tell them all to fuck off. 
Edited to add.
It was actually fun. I can be a real brat sometimes.

Edited to add.
It was actually fun. I can be a real brat sometimes.

I find I'm surprised by certain social situations like that a lot. Glad you ended up having fun.