Tomorrow evening, after work, we get the keys to our new flat. I'm so excited. It'll be so nice to have some actual space where I am not constantly censoring myself. For parents, work or whatever. Just to chill...and fill with random stuff.
Anyways, I have no idea how long it'll take to get the internet sorted, so I applogise if I kinda disappear a little bit. I'll try and keep up-to-date!
I've pretty much spent the last week working or packing stuff up into boxes or bags. Piles for rubbish, recycling, charity shops, ebay and taking with me. It's been quite a cleansing feeling. One load I couldn't throw away, is my collection of cyber crime / cracking (hacking) books, paperwork and cds from back in the mid-90's. They are a bit hysterical now, to look back on what 'cutting edge' technology I craved and would beg borrow or steal to get my mitts on. From my old rumble back pack that pulsed vibrations through you during fight games, key stroke recorders, card generators, to books on unix systems I got out from the library and re-typed word for word, just so I had my own copy forever. Computers kept me sane at a time in my life where I had little else. At one point I was so ill I was virtually bed bound. I couldn't walk down the stairs as I didn't have the energy and my parents would take my medications with them when they left the house just incase I did anything 'silly.' Not something I'd ever really thought about at such a young age but I guess they must have thought it was a possibility. I lost a lot of friends due to me not attending school for extended periods of time. Computers became my sanctuary. So even though these books could bring back some terrible memories, they really don't. I look on them like old friends and even though they're completely out of date and rather musty, I can't imagine getting rid of them.
I'm guessing it's not only me that has strange emotional connections to inanimate objects. What's yours?
In other news, I got my ticket to Kapow Comic Con that's on in a couple of weeks and I am super excited. I've never been to anything like it before and it sounds like it's going to be pretty impressive. Hopefully I can add Stuart Lee to my list of pretty famous people I have inappapropriately touched in a crowd! he he
And just incase your guys haven't seen it, here's the teaser for the new series of Dr Who that starts at Easter. Yay!
And if you're a fan, you should check out The Naked Scarf podcast by TheQuestion and Secretary.
Last but not least...I've almost given up hope of this getting front page, there's just so many gorgeous ladies in member review right now and so many new ladies going pink. But if you have a spare moment, Click here to check out my set in MR!

Anyways, I have no idea how long it'll take to get the internet sorted, so I applogise if I kinda disappear a little bit. I'll try and keep up-to-date!
I've pretty much spent the last week working or packing stuff up into boxes or bags. Piles for rubbish, recycling, charity shops, ebay and taking with me. It's been quite a cleansing feeling. One load I couldn't throw away, is my collection of cyber crime / cracking (hacking) books, paperwork and cds from back in the mid-90's. They are a bit hysterical now, to look back on what 'cutting edge' technology I craved and would beg borrow or steal to get my mitts on. From my old rumble back pack that pulsed vibrations through you during fight games, key stroke recorders, card generators, to books on unix systems I got out from the library and re-typed word for word, just so I had my own copy forever. Computers kept me sane at a time in my life where I had little else. At one point I was so ill I was virtually bed bound. I couldn't walk down the stairs as I didn't have the energy and my parents would take my medications with them when they left the house just incase I did anything 'silly.' Not something I'd ever really thought about at such a young age but I guess they must have thought it was a possibility. I lost a lot of friends due to me not attending school for extended periods of time. Computers became my sanctuary. So even though these books could bring back some terrible memories, they really don't. I look on them like old friends and even though they're completely out of date and rather musty, I can't imagine getting rid of them.
I'm guessing it's not only me that has strange emotional connections to inanimate objects. What's yours?
In other news, I got my ticket to Kapow Comic Con that's on in a couple of weeks and I am super excited. I've never been to anything like it before and it sounds like it's going to be pretty impressive. Hopefully I can add Stuart Lee to my list of pretty famous people I have inappapropriately touched in a crowd! he he
And just incase your guys haven't seen it, here's the teaser for the new series of Dr Who that starts at Easter. Yay!
And if you're a fan, you should check out The Naked Scarf podcast by TheQuestion and Secretary.
Last but not least...I've almost given up hope of this getting front page, there's just so many gorgeous ladies in member review right now and so many new ladies going pink. But if you have a spare moment, Click here to check out my set in MR!

See you soon!