I love you guys.
No really....I honestly do. I love every single one of you who join this site and post sweet comments and contribute to the groups and boards.
Every time my self-esteem falters and I feel like becoming a 24/7 introvert....I just read a few of your comments. Every time I have a question or want to share something new I've discovered, I tell you guys...and you actually respond!
I just friggin love you guys. I feel so safe and comforted by you all. I am very grateful that I am now in my 7th year on the website and still feel welcome and wanted. I don't think anyone could possibly ask for better fans than we have here on SG.
If I ever become a millionaire...I am buying every single one of you a puppy...or something equally cute and fuzzy. Mark my words! There will be puppies for all!!
That is all.
No really....I honestly do. I love every single one of you who join this site and post sweet comments and contribute to the groups and boards.
Every time my self-esteem falters and I feel like becoming a 24/7 introvert....I just read a few of your comments. Every time I have a question or want to share something new I've discovered, I tell you guys...and you actually respond!
I just friggin love you guys. I feel so safe and comforted by you all. I am very grateful that I am now in my 7th year on the website and still feel welcome and wanted. I don't think anyone could possibly ask for better fans than we have here on SG.
If I ever become a millionaire...I am buying every single one of you a puppy...or something equally cute and fuzzy. Mark my words! There will be puppies for all!!
That is all.
You were the one who who gave me the confidants to be myself and shoot a set with my dreads in.