My new set is up in Member Review!!
Nuff Said
I know many of you like to just randomly look at images in a set....picking out all the naughty's okay, I do it too.
But if you have the time, please look at my set from beginning to end. There is a story to it, you know. And maybe even a lesson to learn as well! *heehee*
Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that it is received well. I know from having my own site and frequently checking my Awstats that pretty much no one is on the internet between 8am-12pm on any given day. So the set has a bit of a handicap going into MR during those hours. But I'm hoping it will pick up steam as the day goes on!
Soooo....I'm sure you guys want to see previews, right??
The awesome photography was actually done by SG's very own Bob! All of the neat-o special effects were done by Sean_M.
There are guest appearances by Cherry and Tita. (The most unlikely girls ever to play bullies! hahaha)
Nuff Said
I know many of you like to just randomly look at images in a set....picking out all the naughty's okay, I do it too.

But if you have the time, please look at my set from beginning to end. There is a story to it, you know. And maybe even a lesson to learn as well! *heehee*
Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that it is received well. I know from having my own site and frequently checking my Awstats that pretty much no one is on the internet between 8am-12pm on any given day. So the set has a bit of a handicap going into MR during those hours. But I'm hoping it will pick up steam as the day goes on!
Soooo....I'm sure you guys want to see previews, right??

The awesome photography was actually done by SG's very own Bob! All of the neat-o special effects were done by Sean_M.
There are guest appearances by Cherry and Tita. (The most unlikely girls ever to play bullies! hahaha)
Squeak is the fucking coolest SG i've ever seen -- and i've been here a while. DAMN.
jumpin Jujubees that was an awesome display of creativity and sexy