my night has been shitty(REALLY)
I went to go lay down in my bed and watch a little tv and I found a nice mushy cat turd pile on top of my black comforter. now I gotta sleep with a skinny ass sheet because I dont feel like cleaning the comforter off tonight, I just threw it in the tub for now.
it was a gross nasty lookin' turd too, all dark and liquidy. I just brought my comforter outside and shook it off and the turds flew everywhere and I went back inside and threw it in the tub.
maybe my cat was mad at me because i dont feed it everytime it comes and meows at me so it shit on my bed. what a great revenge.
also, never mix moutain dew and whiskey, they do not mix. haha I ran out of coke and had some MD left so I decided to give it a try. fuckin' yuck. !
I went to go lay down in my bed and watch a little tv and I found a nice mushy cat turd pile on top of my black comforter. now I gotta sleep with a skinny ass sheet because I dont feel like cleaning the comforter off tonight, I just threw it in the tub for now.
it was a gross nasty lookin' turd too, all dark and liquidy. I just brought my comforter outside and shook it off and the turds flew everywhere and I went back inside and threw it in the tub.
maybe my cat was mad at me because i dont feed it everytime it comes and meows at me so it shit on my bed. what a great revenge.
also, never mix moutain dew and whiskey, they do not mix. haha I ran out of coke and had some MD left so I decided to give it a try. fuckin' yuck. !
too bad about the cat poo! nasty!