Just finished bottling my two latest batches of beer. I stuck to recipes this time, albeit recipes from Sam Calagione (Dogfish Head CEO & owner). I never feel as confident about the brews when I stick to other's recipes, I just don't have the same passion for them and I get worried they'll come out like shit.

First batch is a cranberry braggot (mead/beer mix)...
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I'm supposed to be getting out more.
Doing more.
Hanging out with people and things of that sort, I assume.

For those of you who do not know me, which is anyone that would read this, I am not a social person.
I am not the type of person who goes out and does things with people, sadly.
Half the problem is that I am...
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My life has been completely and totally normal, therefore there has been nothing to report.
That's has been, as in was.
My life right now is somewhat confusing once more.
My girlfriend and I have to work out something that may or may not be an issue.
I'm assuming it's not an issue, because I don't think it's a big deal, but we'll see how...
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This isn't news so much as it is complete and total rubbish.

Work will probably be the death of me.
School is school. I want to devote more time to it, but I cant because of that whole dying due to an over encumbered work schedule.
Kristin hasn't spent the last few nights here.
I don't know what that means, but I don't think it...
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My girlfriend and I have found a new apartment.
It's a two bedroom. Quite big enough for the both of us.
It's not horribly priced, especially for the area it's in.
We're moving in soon.

Rush, rush, rush. Work, work work. School, study, sleep. Live, shit, die.

So on and so forth.

I hope that when I die they put something really cool on my...
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There are certain points in any person's life that they drudge up memories that should either be long forgotten or subsidized and spread thin among the real estate of the brain so as not to attract attention from one another.

Today, for me, is one of those days.

I think it's because I've been working too much. I think that by doing so I've over-exhausted...
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I don't have anything to update really, except for the fact that my five roommates and I got served an eviction notice yesterday. The reason is still unknown to me except that it appears as though one of us has missed a single rent check (it's still unknown to us which one of us it is) and that we've been charged twice for February's rent....
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I wrote a really meaningful and heartfelt blog about my mother's incarceration and when i went to post it SG redirected me to a page politely describing that it would be back in a few minutes due to excessive traffic.
Needless to say, my blog did not get posted.

I had a Johnny Cash quote and everything and I'm totally serious about it being meaningful...
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The total hours of work I put in during a single week:
-----Time in School: 15 hours
-----Time at Internship: 20 hours
-----Time at work: ~25 hours
-----Time for homework: ~10 hours, if and when I can do it
-----Total: ~70 hours a week, not including time to do normal things like shop, eat, or travel time.

This schedule is killing me, both figuratively and...
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I'm interning at Liquid Advertising, LiquidAd.com. I'm pretty sure I'll be there until early to mid December, but maybe a bit longer. I think that I might be getting some freelance work there as well.
School is going, but I'm a little behind. I have to catch up.
If I ever finish this Content Management System that I'm doing right now I'll post an...
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Hi kyle!!!
Things are fine! I'm incredibly busy lately, i started studying biological sciences a couple of weeks ago so ive been trying to do that and look after my son and still have time to get baked and play my fav computer games. Wrecked. Hows you? What's new? It's been ages since we spoke last properly. Years even!