Holy shit, multiple girl week rules.
I have decided to set two goals in my life:
1. Sit zazen for at least 15 minutes a day, in the morning.
2. Write and publish at least one song per day... maybe not fully sequenced, but at least enough to get a decent idea slapped out.
On the second note, I've been making a lot of progress towards that goal. I figured out a lot about the software that I've been using, which is really surprising given my mental state some of the time (I actually laid out a pretty good live session in ableton while after eating some blotter the other night).
Anyways, if anyone knows of a good mp3.com site that'll do hosting for independent artists, I'll toss some of my work up one of these days... stupid RIAA.
I have decided to set two goals in my life:
1. Sit zazen for at least 15 minutes a day, in the morning.
2. Write and publish at least one song per day... maybe not fully sequenced, but at least enough to get a decent idea slapped out.
On the second note, I've been making a lot of progress towards that goal. I figured out a lot about the software that I've been using, which is really surprising given my mental state some of the time (I actually laid out a pretty good live session in ableton while after eating some blotter the other night).
Anyways, if anyone knows of a good mp3.com site that'll do hosting for independent artists, I'll toss some of my work up one of these days... stupid RIAA.

I've done meditation and acid but in two entirely different periods in my life. I think the experiences I had on acid made me curious about eastern religion and meditation, but then later I'd consider the psychedelics more of a hindrance in a lot of ways.
As far as other stuff goes, like pot, I don't even need to "meditate" plenty of times I'll crash on the couch or something and veg out.
That pic was just a random one of some guy's pics of eastern orgegon.
take er easy...