Ugh, work called at 8.10 bitching about their net connection being down. I called them back and told them to bitch to our ISP, as there was nothing I could do. And look, the phone is silent now. =)
I'm debating whether or not I should get DSL in my new apartment. If I get it, I'll just sit around on the fucking internet all day and shit. I keep getting that feeling in my gut that life keeps rolling onward, and I watched it go by from the chair at my desk.
But then again, what the hell else is there to do when you live alone in Indiana?
I'm debating whether or not I should get DSL in my new apartment. If I get it, I'll just sit around on the fucking internet all day and shit. I keep getting that feeling in my gut that life keeps rolling onward, and I watched it go by from the chair at my desk.
But then again, what the hell else is there to do when you live alone in Indiana?

I've been watching life roll by since I've been here in Germany. You know what the best thing is about Germany? Seeing it in your rear veiw mirror as your leaving to go to the airport. 

Well I don't know shit about Indiana, but I DO know about waking up wondering where the fuck the last ten years went. It's a gross feeling. I don't know if a pc would have that effect as much as weed has but . . . you never know.