Ughh..., woke up this morning with a stale throat and soft dull headache. Last night was nothing special, though probably could have been given the right set of circumstances. I ended up going to a drag queen bar with a few friends, which was a lot of fun.
Yes, that's right, a drag queen bar. I'm not so much surprised by the fact that I went to such an establishment, but moreover that this place actually exists in this city. Amazingly, it was the most crowded bar I think I've been to (not counting the big frat nights at the local dives). The crowd was quite diverse, split evenly among older, [presumably] gay men, late 20-something women, young lesbians, and surprisingly enough, a lot of old people. Although it was funny, there is something mildly disturbing about watching a 65-year old woman with snow white hair, all fixed up in the little ball, dancing and grinding with a 6'3" drag queen. =) On the other hand, I only -wish- my grandma was that cool...
So yeah, and then there was us. Four young white guys, one of us being gay, and the other three just looking really gay. When we walked in, I could feel a few people eyeing us, but nobody came up and hit on us or anything.
Dave82 will probably write about this same event in his journal, so check it out. Sadly, the wonderful and mysterious Alia bailed on us, though.
I'm sooooo going back next weekend. =]
Yes, that's right, a drag queen bar. I'm not so much surprised by the fact that I went to such an establishment, but moreover that this place actually exists in this city. Amazingly, it was the most crowded bar I think I've been to (not counting the big frat nights at the local dives). The crowd was quite diverse, split evenly among older, [presumably] gay men, late 20-something women, young lesbians, and surprisingly enough, a lot of old people. Although it was funny, there is something mildly disturbing about watching a 65-year old woman with snow white hair, all fixed up in the little ball, dancing and grinding with a 6'3" drag queen. =) On the other hand, I only -wish- my grandma was that cool...
So yeah, and then there was us. Four young white guys, one of us being gay, and the other three just looking really gay. When we walked in, I could feel a few people eyeing us, but nobody came up and hit on us or anything.
Dave82 will probably write about this same event in his journal, so check it out. Sadly, the wonderful and mysterious Alia bailed on us, though.
I'm sooooo going back next weekend. =]
i just can't catch you in chat

hey!! come chat with me! I'm goin in