A good friend of mine wants to take a road trip out to Atlanta next weekend (her school is on break). I'm pondering whether or not to go... I've never been to the south, so I'm really tempted.
suprnova added a "Hindi" section to their movies, so I've been downloading a few films from good-ol Bollywood. Unfortunately, since it's bittorrent, everything takes like 10 years to download, so I must be patient.
Went out to indy yesterday to go apartment hunting again. Found a few good places in town, including a few houses. I had originally set my sights on having a single... Read More
Next time you're on a filesharing network, do a search for anything by Karen Finley. Maybe I'm really immature, but I found this shit to be really fucking hilarious.
Update from my retarded personal life:
- girl #1 is finished... I'm really happy. Things have a very nice sense of resolution and closure. Rock.
- girl #2 has been fixed, and I managed to un-fuck... Read More
I've gotten so much done at work today; I feel so productive. It's a shame that none of what I've done was actually work-related.
Only 20 more minutes, and I can take my lunch break! I think I'm going to actually try to do some programming this afternoon. And sadly, I cannot abide by all of your suggestions and do 20 lines of coke beforehand.... Read More
any chance yr coming to any of the shows this weekend? friday in indy or saturday in troy? details are in my journal, of if ya need more info, hit me up. hope to see ya, lots of sg peeps are coming out. its gonna be fun!!!
So yeah, I think I really screwed things up with yet another girl. Go, me. At least this one doesn't hate me.... yet.
I just got a spam entitled "Horse cum make up for lesbians". This shit is starting to make less and less sense.... I really need to fix my mailserver and get some filtering software up.
Went apartment hunting yesterday... every apartment complex was staffed almost exclusively by hot, 20-something girls. God, I can't wait to get out of Terre Fucking Haute.
Earlier this week, I made a big decision. It is either one of the most personally liberating things I have ever done, or one of the most colossal mistakes of my youth. Either way, there's no taking back what... Read More
if yr gonna be in indianapolis on friday, come out to the melody inn & check out the punk rock show. i'll be there! or better yet, come out to troy on saturday for punk nite, both shows are gonna be killer!!! if ya need directions or details for either, hit me up!
dont you already have an apartment? you're not really going to continue living in your lil college town, are you? Well, I guess if the girls are hot - its not that bad of a deal.
Just watched "Lost in Translation"... really good film. I usually don't much care for Bill Murray, but he's really cast well here. The story is also really compelling; the last few years have felt very isolated for me, and it really "clicked".
Anyways, if you haven't seen it yet, pick it up next time you're at blockbuster or whatever.
Yeah, so I think the chem prof does have something out for me at least, I can't speak for Dan. He took off some dumbass points on our lab journals though. Anyways, if you want to discuss a UBS telephone interface, catch me online or over hot chocolate or something. I'll give you the low down. By the way, go see 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and visit http://www.elephant6.com for some neutral milk hotel live shows. -Dave
As I was lamenting to HagbardBjorn earlier today, I discovered something really weird about myself musically.... I've really developed a thing for really repetitive techno. The last two weeks could be divided up into two phases for me, "slow" and "fast". I usually listen to "slow" at work, which is mostly twerk and a bunch of other downtempo. "Fast" is mostly umek and a bunch... Read More
Metric sounds like pure heaven. They're like... dance-party music in some songs, and uhm... comparable a bit to the postal service in a few others... the girl has a wonderful voice... reminds me of kelly from the sneaker pimps before she left... blah blah... you should check out "succexy" and "the twist"... i'm stoned, sorry this post is so damn long.
Do it.
The south is an interesting place. Lots of my family come from there.
Go out and visit llona
yep - there will be a website for this short film and I'll post it your way once it's done.