Head Hurt...must study...head hurt...drink water....
yeseree...hydration is the key to hapiness.

We swarm with the bees and diseases and even if your DJ was Jesus you could never fuck with these kids....
oh yeah mother fucker....who the fuck you think your fucking with?
If you are the one who's sending me evil threads...wtf? chill...or at least confront the issue.

See Lifestyle Post "have we taken this human being thing as far as it can go?"
not kirosawa. Akira is a japanimation that came out around 1988. it's quite awesome.

Is there anything better than Saturday a.m. cartoons...I'm right in the middle of my X-Men, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk/Iron Man fixxxxx.....Hulk Mad, Hulk Smash !!!

Today...a blind date with a British girl who's at least 10 years younger than me (that should clue my age)...one phone conversation is good enough for me to roll with it, not much on blind dates but the accent alone is...
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Yeah, I've read The Fountainhead. The main difference between it and Atlas Shrugged is... well, Atlas is longer. It's pretty much the definitive work for her philosophy, at least fiction-wise. It's a bit redundant at times, but overall it's a good read.
hehe stealing my fantasy is no problem at all. takora has the same one smile
ok, this no friend thing on my pro is bugging me...anybody want to be my friend? What's this, the first day of kindergarten?

what up? I'l be your friend.

we can trade sandwiches and shit.

thanks for the contribution to the hip-hop similie thread
you can be my slave and i'll be your mistress!
i dont wanna clean my apartment and i have been wanting someone i could whip!
do you like cat o nine tails?
So I smoked my interview this a.m. (I think)...although it was a phone interview with an HR Screener. But I felt comfortable in my skin and voice, the nice thing about phone interviews is that you can have notes in front of you when you talk and you can pace the floor.

Sometimes I go a couple of days without shaving my head...damn, that feels...
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dont' know who you are but you did make my laugh from your post in my journal.. and sleater kinney is rockin
Spending the day doing research for a potential job interview...I went from the Sleep inducing, "How to read Financial Statements" to a way better read in " Legal Aspects of the Music Industry"....pretty frickin exciting eh? That reminds me...anyone ever meet a Canadian, they actually do talk like Bob and Doug McKenzie. Me? From the land of Fargo but you couldn't tell...my sis on the...
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So I get flow from three "girls" tonight and 2 of them are transvestites...WTF? Oh to be living in one of three sex-change be-doing Govt. Financed experimental Carnival towns....at least the other was a hottie (with 3 other guys though?!?!?)....I think?
Karma...driving away from my b-ball game today I stopped to pick up a tennis ball to return to the people who were playing across the way...after throwing the ball back onto the court I noticed my spendy shades on the roof of the car...saved from the lost bin, Hooray!!

Got a call back for an interview today with (I think) one of the best fuckin'...
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How am I supposed to feel when I see my ex and first Love become 35 pounds more "full" and on the road to bitter and alone...Lucky, sad, and well, who the fuck cares...I still got her back but, damn...glad she moved back to Jersey.