i would like to formally like to invite all of you that would like to make it to a party on the beach off of us 41 there will be live music and lots of good time fun times to be had we are also taking donations for a firework display so please come and enjoy your self bring friends call me at 906 360-4567 for directions and donations yay yay yay come one come all

dude that soo cool!! Congrates guys!! We both miss you soo much! You should come visit soon if you can
You can stay here and we can go hang out on the beaches all day and giggle and have tons of fun
Its so pretty here too I know you guys'll really like it

dude that soo cool!! Congrates guys!! We both miss you soo much! You should come visit soon if you can
You can stay here and we can go hang out on the beaches all day and giggle and have tons of fun
Its so pretty here too I know you guys'll really like it