well life is sucking for me the airline company northwest fucked up my ticket and now want more money for me to fly so now im not going to iowa.....and whats blow i was really looking forward to getting away and getting my tattoss done and more added...grrrrrrrrrrrr and to tope it off there was som e work waiting for me when i get there to and making some good money...this is the worries part....i could have use the work bad now im trying to find a way to make some money so i can go up north to chico ca in northen calif to take a postal exam on the 12 of may and with the price of gas it looks like im not making it a all so im really bum out any one have any ideas to cheer me up???or way to help ???let me know can really use them right now bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Army,huh? A lot of my family's infantry.I've been a member forever,but I'm still learning the ropes.As soon as I figure out how to accept your friend request,I'll do it
You seem like an alright guy