well the post office in oceanside suck ass im working there now but teh wantto let me go because im dieabitic and the scare im gong to pass hout and kill some one when im diving the mail to peoples mailbox's ...damn talk about a kicking some one in the balls....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Um yeah, im pretty sure they cant do that. 

qwl its been some time sence i posted any thing......any now i really have to psot something befor i just loze my self agian to alot of shit i was hoping i wouldnt have to every deal with again.
Yes im a Ex Army Infantry Man...Yes i have Seen Death First Hand...... I have Caused Death First Hand.......But I Was Lucky when i was in...
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well life is sucking for me the airline company northwest fucked up my ticket and now want more money for me to fly so now im not going to iowa.....and whats blow i was really looking forward to getting away and getting my tattoss done and more added...grrrrrrrrrrrr and to tope it off there was som e work waiting for me when i get there...
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Army,huh? A lot of my family's infantry.I've been a member forever,but I'm still learning the ropes.As soon as I figure out how to accept your friend request,I'll do it
You seem like an alright guy

well yesterday was my birthday and noth much happen and wasnt able to do any thing like i wasnted....
but im hoping my weekend will be better and everything so and thanks for the b-day gift cutepillowdance......we will talk
but im looking forward to the 4 of may going to iowa to see my buddy from the army i was station with and going to...
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lol its ok thing happen belive me i know...the weekend was ok and nothing big went on but im just happy nothign bad happen so...lol life goes on

Hey Happy late birthday, hope you have a nice trip and get a bad ass tattoo while your there

well havent been sleeping well but spent the weekend in LA at one of my old friends house she want me to come hang out and if se could have some fun but she has her ex still living with her so i held off so there would be no prople for her and till she finally choise what to do she want me to...
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happy bday... and for your present... ummmm I love to be photographed...let me know...

thank you to all that wished me happy birthday...the day was unavital and the night suck but the weekend is still to cum and i hope it well be better and pick up ...but who knows...........
well i have been back in CA now for about 7 months....just trying to start my life over and enjoy itto the best i can and get the people around me to enjoy it aswell
How are you this fine evening. It's all rainy where I am...I'm just watching INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, and I'm sending my friends pictures from our trip to San Fran...
hi... many questions to ask you... starting with what made you join the army? Not that i'm anti army i'm just anti war, and yes that is a difference. I just want my friends to come home safe and sound like you. So what have you been up to since you got home? How far is Hemet from LA? Hope you're having fun where you are... xoxo

army photos of me
wellim just got of of the army by 6months so now im looking to start my life over and enjoy it everway i can care to help and enjoy it too?