Computers eat updates. I wont repeat it all but I will tell you this much:

The late night shift leaves you with little else to do but hone the skill of the cyber stalk. The lowliest of all the stalks.

Is it wrong that my day is spent dreaming up nefarious interludes in the cargo elevator. Crammed in the corner, grasping onto the bar that...
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I like the word nefarious.

Strange days. Nights will be taking over soon and temptation will be the only thing to occupy my mind. Guess we'll see how to destructive we could be.

Witnessed the gnarliest hit and run the other night. Stopped at a red light on Coney Island Ave. I watch this black sports car, tinted out of course, just miss the car I was in and hit...
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Wow. I'm glad you didn't get hurt.... Some people just should not be allowed to drive. Ever.

[Edited on Oct 20, 2005 11:55PM]
The spot on my neck just below my ear is killing me. Generally flesh wounds of that sort are easy to narrow in origin, but this one has a number of suspects. Lapdances are lovely. After party where the band doesnt show but lets you keep their booze may be even better. The ride home in the cab, delirious and alone I could do without.......
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stupid party.

we shouldda stayed at the knitting factory.
There were Bulgarian Bellys, Brazilian beats, sweat and hips every where you turn.Topped off saffron strong and staining the fingers. I was bitten thrice, itched eternally and wondered when the fire would wash from my hair. Life is a funny ride. This week it was more like Epcot center for me though...
MmMmMmM, Epcot Center . . . when I was 5 I tried to run away when I was there. Memories sniff sniff
Im at work...bored, probably going to get yelled at by the IT guy for going on this site. He actually put a note up explaining that he can see all interent activity and would block sites if he felt they computer priveleges were being "abused"...hmm I wonder if that was aimed at me....

Anyway my days are 12 hour days and Im bored and have...
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I think my hotel room is haunted. We're staying where the Dillinger stuff happened.

it's spooky, and for some reason my room has bunk beds. none of the other rooms do.

I slept on a cot in Nixon and Chloe's room instead...

me = big pussy
All the world is a swirling mess of color and smell.Today upon waking I swore to drink four cups of coffee but I only made it to three. A lovely hike through Purgatory gorge, a pine needle fight. It was like this bizarre moment of release, all your frustrations spilling out in massive balls of pine needles and dried leaves. Giggles. Then Alex has to...
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I got underpants that say Eat Circus.

I am filled with glee.
When I got up out of bed this morning my back cracked along not one but four different vertebra. So obviously I strapped a massive backpack, including tent and sleepbag, to my back and headed off to catch a bus. Luckily instead of taking 4 hours it took a solid 6. Seems ever since both of the China town bus companies buses spotaneously combusted across...
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you have fun with your fun stuffs...sure.

oh...when you reply to a journal comment, post it in the person's journal, not your own.
Hey I know you.
My eardrums have been trembling all night...uneasy steps between the couch and the bed and the colors wont agree with my vision. I have a long bus ride tomorrow. Headlong dive into something I tried to brush aside or shrug away years ago. Im ok with it you know, all of it, the new woman, the one who took my place so long ago, the...
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every morning with a sharpie.
there is a super fatty cat here named Tut and another named Cleo...shes not so much fat just a butt licker...no,her own