- watched spiderwick chronicles, went online, smoked a cigar (drew estates acid kubakuba) and drank some dr p and listened to mp3's, went online a bit more, ate some leftover steak and baked potato and veggies, watched sydney white, came home, listened to music, talked to karen about her bullshit she doesn't want to deal with and just hohum go along with as usual, listened to more music and played games, bed at 0200
- up at 8, listened to music a bit, karen called, listened to more music, practiced my guitar for 15 minutes, ent on the computer and listened to music...

for the past couple months i've been listening to all my music straight through, started and the top of the list and going down through every song, and i'm at stone temple pilots now, stray cats is next, finished all the soundtracks (most of them are sorted all in a row) and i still have compilation/various artist albums to go, i'm about 3/4 through the 9639 songs...
showered about 1030ish, left, bought some batteries and soap at the dollar tree, went to moms,

ate some leftover shrimp alfredo, watched some of sydney white again, went online, watched 10,000 bc, went online, ate a stale oreo, came home, tried to watch tv but the cable isn't working with my tv, box is hooked up right, and i reset it and unplugged it and plugged it back in... wierd, haven't had it on for like a week and a half at least, oh well

(helps keep track of what i've smoked, so i can recall what i really liked and what was just ok, etc)
the labels from cigars i already have in the book i put in the mug i bought from TAB, in the above pic, circled here

and the pic of when i originally bought it

it's an awesome cup, i just keep the cigar labels in it now, i haven't actually drank anything out of it since like the first week i got it

sat and played solitaire a bit, bed at 1045...
... didn't actually go to sleep then, just laid down and listened to my mp3 player for awhile, was gonna make a phone call but tonight my phone would get 0 reception in my room so i just laid there and let my phone charge...
- up a lil before 8, listened to music (styx, i think i'll start writing who i'm listening to not just that i'm listening)...
i just remembered a couple of good jokes i heard at church sunday:
how many episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb?
how many baptists does it take to change a light bulb?
how many pentacostals does it take to change a light bulb?
there were a couple others but i forget them, i should look online, i'm sure i'll find them... the pastor was telling these jokes and said he'd heard them a coupel weeks before from a member of the church who'd had a whole page of them that she said she kept in her purse in case she ever needed them...
so my phone reception has been around 1 bar, and up to 2 a little, but as soon as i pick it up it drops to one or drops out and i have no reception, so karen called and i answered and it dropped in and out a bit but was able to talk for about 20 minutes before it totally went out, and i called back and she picked up and talked a bit more then the phone went out again, so i used the house phone and we talked for a couple hours, then i listened to music some more (styx, sublime)...
so at 1:15 i'm ready to go take my grandma to aaa (she said she wanted to go at 1, but she wasn't ready at 1 so i just started at 1) and i'm going outside to move my car and i tell her and she says ok and then i get to the door and she says i look nice see you later and i say thanks i'm just going to move my car and she says ok bye (she's on the phone the whole time too) and i say i'm just going to move my car, and she says ok again, and i'm like 20 feet from the door and she says oh wait you have to take me to the insurance place and i tell her i just said 3 times that i am just going to move my car and she says oh ok then so i get back inside and ask if she's ready and she says no and i huff a little and go upstairs and she gets all mad and says arte you mad!?! and i say a little and she says why i said we'd go in the afternoon sometime! and i remind her that when i said ok she said how about 1 and i said ok, and she says oh, i forgot about that, sorry
my grandma never leaves at the time she says, and she always puts the blame on others, it always irks me though...
drove her to aaa, sat there while she heard the claims adjuster isn't at their office and you can only call the claims number and then they will send someone to your house and you can't go into an office to see them but my grandma still said she wanted to talk to an insurance agent then so she did and the lady said she couldn't help and my grandma would have to call the claims number, ate lunch at carrows (bbq pulled prok sandwich, with fries and a salad, italian dressing) then dropped her off, went to my moms, drank some water, watched the end of never been kissed, and half of penelope (ever seen club dread? i pronounce it like that ) and then went to the guitar center drum off to see my brother play...
he didn't win, but played really well, and then we rented movie and got pizza, and watched cry wolf first, was pretty good, then i came home, forgot to call karen earlier and she didn't answer when i called when i got home (i have full bars on my phone though, so thats good), bed at 1245
... and right as i typed that karen called, talked for an hour (her bf wants to try anal: their conversation consisted of him asking her if she wanted to do anything in bed they hadn't tried before (
) and when she said no he said "well we can try anal if you want, but i heard it hurts alot and if you pull out and stick it right in the other place you could get an infection, but i'll try it with you if that's what you want to do", so i told her to watch out cause from what i can tell about the guy and what he does after what he says to her it sounds like after talking to her and saying it's ok if it's what she wants then now he's gonna try or just do it while she's on her knees sometime and say she talked about it and said it's what she wants he also said he only went to college to meet girls and now that he's done that he's gonna drop his class), listened to music (sublime), bed at 0130
- up a minute or 2 after 8 and karen called right after, talked to her abit, listened to music (sublime, the sugarcubes), texted karen a bit too, showered, went to moms, ate some pizza, fooled around singing, watched 10 things i hate about you, went online, smoked a cigar, went online, watched how to deal, went online, ate some pizza, dranks some soda, watched some of two weeks notice, came home, talked to karen, listened to music (sugarcubes, nellie the elephant-toy dolls, suzanne vega)...
...you noticed on the news and in the papers, well anything written or spoken by "The News", also includes them telling you "what it means"? i just noticed that today, everything on the 11 o'clock news came with them telling their opinion on what it means, they didn't just say what happened but they gave an interpretation of it all too ...
...guess i'm gonna be driving my grandma to my uncles tomorrow afternoon, bed at 1130
- up a little after 9, my phone was dead so i plugged it into the charger, called karen and talked for an hour or so, listened to music (suzanne vega, flogging molly-some songs from Swagger, jolie holland-Old Fashion Morphine, system of a down), played the sims... well almost played then talked to karen again for an hour, then didn't feel like playing the sims so i turned it off and listened to music somemore (system of a down, talking heads), showered, ate a couple banana donuts my aunt brought over, drove grandma to my uncles, watched a lil tv (religosity, or somethin like that, with bill maher, comes out tomorrow), went online (myspace, poker), watched an hour or so of cops with my cousin, ate some leftover chinese food, drove grandma home, brought in the mail, listened to music (talking heads), talked to karen for another couple hours, listened to music (talking heads), bed at 0315
- up a lil before 10, left karen a funny message where i just mumbled crazy nonsense under my breath, listened to music (talking heads, tenacious d, whiskey in the jar-thin lizzy, timbuk 3) and did some laundry, watched the rest of songwriters:billy idol, showered, went to moms, ate some leftovers (carrows chicken alfredo, and some lasagna) and a donut, grabbed a glass of rc, went online (myspace, youtube (some great stuff from maninthebox), and then here i am updating my blog
and once again cause i love arriana so much (she's my shotgun... yes, i named her
Thanks for the thoughts, might start doing that.