so yeah, one of my best friends is pretty sure she's pregnant, and her dude just becomes more of a jerk and an asshole every day, and now he wants he to get an apartment with him in the trashiest scuzziest sounding apartments ever, and get this, they're gonna rent a 2 bedroom apartment for $7, yes, $7, they even asked the manager to repeat it 5 or 6 times to make sure they heard her right, so that in itself sounds pretty shdy, and they have to wait 6 months or so to get one even though there are empty apartments for rent right now, but she figures it'll be easier to live with some jerk asshole in a scuzzy trashpit than wait and see if she's pregnant for sure and then stay at her parents until she has to move (and she has a house she owns that she can move into in 6 months but her dude doesn't want to wait, and from the sound of it he wants her to cook and clean and have sex with him 50 times a day when they live together... it's startin to piss me off just thinking about all the shit she's said he says and does and acts...
but anywho, just chillin, smoked a cigar today, drank some soda, listened to some tunes, went to a cool picnic on sunday and had AWESOME grub
, then my nieces b-day party at chuck e cheese
she loves being there at chuck e cheese and playing the games and eating pizza and having fun, but the actual chuck e cheese scares the crap out of her, when the stage curtains opened and she saw the anamatronic one she got out of her chair all sad and walked away and just looked worse and worse and started crying and when she saw her mom she just started balling
she was so scared and sad, then when the cake came and they brang out the guy in the suit she SCREAMED her head off freaking out, and he walked around her and to the next table and her dad was on that side of her and reached down to pick her up and she musta thought it was the dude cause hse tried to jump off her chair under the table and looked like she was gonna die until she looked up and saw it was her dad
so sad, but otherwise a good party

but anywho, just chillin, smoked a cigar today, drank some soda, listened to some tunes, went to a cool picnic on sunday and had AWESOME grub

she loves being there at chuck e cheese and playing the games and eating pizza and having fun, but the actual chuck e cheese scares the crap out of her, when the stage curtains opened and she saw the anamatronic one she got out of her chair all sad and walked away and just looked worse and worse and started crying and when she saw her mom she just started balling

thanks so much for the well wishes! 

...and the wicked comment on my MR set!