didn't get any money til saturday, and by then the post office was closed so i couldn't get a m.o. or mail nothin', so i said fuck it and got some rum and dr p and a cigar (drew estates la vieja habana) and sat out in the dark and smoked and drank and relaxed with some tunes
it was nice
my aunt didn't show for her party, called at like 10pm to say she wasn't coming, but we had chicken and ribs and red rice and brownies to eat, so it wasn't too bad, and then my sisters and bro and their friends we all went and saw the dark knight (me and dominique wanted to see dark knight, she hadn't seen it yet, and we scrounged up the money to go see it, then everyone else decided they want to go see a movie too, but they were gonna see stepbrothers, but they wouldn't sell them more than 1 ticketat a time since it's R and only a couple of them were 18 and i already had tickets for dark knight so they knew i wasn't gonna be there watchin it too, so they all saw dark knight with us) which was just as good the second time, maybe a little more, cause i didn't get a humongoid root beer and have to leave in the middle to use the restroom (and while i was gone my mom said nothing happened, but it did and she just didn't care to tell me what it was
today i'm driving grandma to my uncles, he invited us over for dinner, other than that i have no plans

my aunt didn't show for her party, called at like 10pm to say she wasn't coming, but we had chicken and ribs and red rice and brownies to eat, so it wasn't too bad, and then my sisters and bro and their friends we all went and saw the dark knight (me and dominique wanted to see dark knight, she hadn't seen it yet, and we scrounged up the money to go see it, then everyone else decided they want to go see a movie too, but they were gonna see stepbrothers, but they wouldn't sell them more than 1 ticketat a time since it's R and only a couple of them were 18 and i already had tickets for dark knight so they knew i wasn't gonna be there watchin it too, so they all saw dark knight with us) which was just as good the second time, maybe a little more, cause i didn't get a humongoid root beer and have to leave in the middle to use the restroom (and while i was gone my mom said nothing happened, but it did and she just didn't care to tell me what it was

today i'm driving grandma to my uncles, he invited us over for dinner, other than that i have no plans

Damn that sucks dude, but at least you got to see Batman again.