everybody lefted again from moms, like 5 minutes after i got here, so i is lucks today
some more pictures of my week
project i'm working on (sorta based on some goggle projects @ instructables.com) gonna make my own pair of mad scientist goggles based on these 2 projects
my work area in the garage
and stacks of my stuff
it's been hot as heck here, around 100 the last 4 or 5 days
i kinda like it though
i love this match box
it was my easter present last year, my dada got it for me when i was up visiting him. he's coming down next week. i'm gonna caddy for him when he goes and plays golf with my uncle

some more pictures of my week

project i'm working on (sorta based on some goggle projects @ instructables.com) gonna make my own pair of mad scientist goggles based on these 2 projects

my work area in the garage

and stacks of my stuff

it's been hot as heck here, around 100 the last 4 or 5 days

i love this match box

it was my easter present last year, my dada got it for me when i was up visiting him. he's coming down next week. i'm gonna caddy for him when he goes and plays golf with my uncle

Dude that's a lot of stuff you have there. Cool project though, I can see them coming in handy lol.