- forgot to tell this story about driving to the beach the other day... i think i forgot to tell

- Indy 4 was AWESOME!!!
- then got carls jr for lunch, double western bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries and a small dr pepper, ate that, watched fast and the furious, went to the store for a cigar (another drew estates la vieja habana rothschild luxo) some dr pepper and a super lotto ticket, then back to moms, smoked my cigar, drank my dr p, listened to the mp3 player, relaxed outside as the sun went down, back inside and watched Taps, then the special features, then home a lil after 11. listened to a couple minutes of loveline (digital underground was the guest tonight, caught their last call and goodbyes) on the way home, then updated my blog doc, then online a couple hours,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_%28film%29 i haven't seen it since it was in theatres but i remember this being a REALLY good movie... i should rent it or something
and off to bed at 3...30... was going to be at 2, but got caught up reading again on wikipedia... i need to get a job so have something to do... i want to stay up all night anyway... i feel like i'm missing something if i don't stay up late, like stuff is going on, and in the morning i don't feel like that, i feel like nothing is going on and i might as well sleep until noon, cause noon is when the "day" starts...
... actually, went to bed just before 4...
- up about 930ish, give or take, went online a bit, then listened to music on the computer, played minesweeper, drew crap pictures with paint, moved my car, went online a bit, showered, went to recycle stuff, then to moms, watched some of eurotrip, ate some sandwiches (white bread, mayo, mustard, pickles, chedder, and 1 pastrami 1 roast beef), went online a bit, left to buy a cigar, came back, smoked my stogie drank my dr p and listened to the mp3's, it was a nice evening not cool but nice and calm and cool then finished watching eurotrip, ate some sandwichesthen watched half with the commentary, then started it over half way through cause my sis wanted to watch without the commentary, so watched 30 minutes of it again, then came home, online for a couple hours
bed a lil after 2
- up at 9 with the alarm
- i realized why lots of my grandmas bills are so high (well, i've realized it before, but it always perturbs me): she runs things unnecessarily like washing, i'm doing laundry today, buthad to wait 20 minutes for her cause she had like 10 little things in the dryer and had to run them in there cause,"they're too cold." that's the lasregst amount of stuff she ever washes at once too, like maybe half a washer load is as large as it'll get. and she washes and dries stuff 2 or 3 times a day. runs her bedsheets in the dryer almost everynight before bed to warm them up. washes her pajamas everyday (yeah, like that's an efficient use of power and water, washing like 3 or 4 pieces of clothing twice a day)... it just pisses me off about when she complains about all her bills when she could easily trim them down a bit. also, she has like 5 lights on outside the house, all night... ugh
went to moms, watched dazed and confused and ate some hawaiian rolls with motzarella and chedder slices melted in, then came home, took a nap for a couple hours... then took another nap for a couple hours... got out of bed around 7, started the dryer with my clothes from earlier.
I WON I WON I WON!! finally won the indiana jones sweepstakes thing from the dr pepper bottle caps! guess what i won
-just went and changed the lightbulb over the front porch and my grandma asks if i have the light turned on, and i say no and ask if it was on in the first place and she says she doesn't know she doesn't check it, so i put the bulb back and flip the switch back and forth then she freaks out,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" and i say checking to see if it's on,then she says again,"well, don't do that, why are you doing that" and i say cause you said you didn't know if it was on or not, and she just "Hmmph"'s and hands me another bulb, which i screw in and then turn on the switch and it doesn't work and she asks,"did you screw it in all the way?", and i say i've done this before grandma i know what to do, and then finally she gets a new bulb instead of the used ones she has sitting in the closet and it works now...
-new flux set
- kinda want to go see street kings, at the cheap theatre ($4 general admission)... maybe tomorrow
- sat around listening to musci on the comp and looking at pictures on my computer... at 11 went to del taco, bougth 2 chicken soft tacos and medium fries , came home ate and watched an episode of friends, then read esquire back issues and watch l&o: ci, then online a bit
in bed just after 3
- up a lil before 10, went online for an hour, then sat and listened to music... took a nap, listened to more music, read some more esquire, ate some sandwiches, watched some of big wednesday, went online a bit again, showered, went to the laundry and washed all the house bathroom mats, came home, went to moms, stopped and bought a cigar (jose marin cuba libra robusto, i think) and some dr p and a lotto ticket, then to moms, sat outside with my cigar dr p and mp3 player for an hour or so, then went online a bit, then watched so i married an ax murderer with my mom and stepdude, then i ate leftover pizza and drp and watched some of no doubt live from the tragic kingdom, at a couple chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, came home, brought in the mail, turned on the tunes, went online
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Wilson_%28chef%29 love his show!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Stellino i love this guys show too! cokking shows are the best
- bed a lil after 3
- up a lil before 10, threw my whites in the washer (that's right, i seperate the whites and the colors!), moved my car, turned on some tunes and went online
first 10 random songs of the day
1>Into The Mystic- Van Morrison
2>Oscillate Wildly- The Smiths
3>Glad to Be Alive- Lisa Fisher; Teddy Pendergrass
4>The Peace Proposal- Shel Silverstein
5>Electric Avenue- Eddy Grant
6>Esquerita- Big Audio Dynamite
7>Wonderland- The Cult
8>All Through th Night- Lou Reed
9>You Are So Beautiful- Kenny Rogers
10>Who Loves You- Alannah Myles
did more laundry, stayed online a couple hours, watched big wednesday a couple times, read some more esquire, showered and went to moms, watched pale rider, ate some hawaiian rolls with butter and the last chocolate chip peanut butter cookie, then we watched the end of the spear, my sisters came home in the middle of it and brit and liv watched the last half, then liv went home left her 2 youngest for kara to watch there instead of at her house, then we all watched end of the spear again, then i came home, put the laundry from earlier in the drier, listenin to all the go-go's music i have, went online
read all the Operation Auca connected wiki pages for too my mom used to be in a group that perfromed a play at churches based on the missionaries' deaths. i got to be one of the kids in the tribe who come and visit the tribe before they're killed.
she was also in a christian theatre group (same one? not sure) that did a passion play. i was in it 2 years, like a background kid in the crowd scenes both years, and the 2nd year me and my friend andrew go to switch off with 2 other boys and be Pilots servant boys and hold the water basin and towel he uses when he washes his hands of Jesus
one of the churches my mom used to go to (we've been to ALOT, at least changing churches every year or 2 mainly... i don't go regularly, or at all really, anymore) but this church she went to when i was 18 or so (after i'd stopped going, but i went once or twice to this one, easter and mothers day, maybe one other time too) well, they were totally into "Speaking in Tongues"[url], which meant all the adults would be raising their hands in the air and jabbering away speaking babble and gobbledegook nonsense (but many claiming they were,"speaking another real language that they don't know but is actually spoken somewhere!" ) and all the kids still in the room stood around rolling their eyes
- after 2.5 hours online i deceded to go to bed
listening to the go-go's i got through beauty and the beat, god bless the go-go's, and about 3/4 of the way through return to the valley of the go-go's (which looking to see how far along through it i was realized that discs 1 and 2 aren't listened seperately but shuffled together (song 1 on disc2 is listed after song 1 of disc1, song 2 of disc 2 after song 2 of disc 1, etc)
and in bed at 0230
- awake at quarter to 10, put the go-go's back on, went online for a bit, then off, just sat and listened to music for awhile...
read more esquire and watched big wednesday again, contemplated taking a bath, went online for a half hour, took a bath, groomed, dressed, left...
bought some AAA batteries ($1 for 8 at the Dollar Store) and a cigar ( $1.89 for a robusto reject, at the Smoke Store- seriously, that's the name, the lady even answered the phone while i was there,"Hello, Smoke Store") then to moms, ate some pancakes and lil sausages w/cheese, then watched a bit of paint your wagon, then smoked the cigar and drank the last of the dr p and listened to the mp3 player and sat outside in the warm air with the cool breeze blowin it was nice
then took my sis to ballet, walked around the mall and barnes & noble and read some books, picked up my sis, and back to moms, went online a bit, watched the end of mean girls and ate 2 sandwiches (white bread, mayo, mustard, chedder, mozzarella, pickles, pastrami, roast beef) then watched more of paint your wagon, then home
put out the trash barrels, got some water, changed into shorts (today i was wearin a super snazzy outfit- plum red pants, blakc vans, green plaid socks, blue tropical shirt... i looked sweet
) put on some music (go-go's still, almost through all their stuff i got) and went online for a bit then off, sat in the dark and listened to music for a bit
- my friend has on her myspace page, as her location, " Nowhere Important, California", and snet to her this:
it's not Nowhere Important, California, cause it's where YOU ARE, and if it's not important where you are then it's not important where you're going or where you've been, cause life is about the here and now and where you're at is Here, and HERE is THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACE IN THE WORLD
cause it's important where you are so you know which way to go...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bumblebee_Flies_Anyway good movie... i have it on video
in bed a little before 4
- woke up around 1145 or so, listened to music for a couple hours, ate some sandwiches (wheat, ham, mayo, cheese), watched jarhead, moved my car, watched jarhead again, talked to karen about some dude she's talking to on some satanist website, went online and watched jarhead some more...
for the trip, evry time you see a place and wish you could be there, yust say "yes i'll go there" and eventually it will be a real thing