-reading on wiki all morning
- stayed up until 0700 i got so caught up in reading online... no run this morning, gonna sleep til noon
- but woke up at 11, karen called to talk a bit. then i just stayed up, went online a bit, moved my car, brought in the mail, ate some sandwiches, watched spiceworld, showered, then off i go, bought a cigar, dr pepper, and a lotto ticket, then to moms, went online a bit, watched the rest of the lords of discipline, dropped my bro at church, came back to moms, smoked a cigar and drank dr p, listened to mp3 player, ate some stouffers chicken alfredo then leftover spaghetti, while watching anchors away (i think that's waht my sis had on) then put on the oingo boingo farewell concert, sorted the dishes, off to the store for oranges for my sis, picked up my bro from church, back to moms, watched more oingo, came home around 10, went online, more wiki
sitting all night in this chair at the computer half slouched down i did a number on my abs, they've been hurting off and on all day, not the tops like when i worked out last week but the center row or 2, just sore as heck oh well, gonna go work out again tomorrow, for sure for sure
then bed at ... well i wanted ot go to bed at midnight but kept opening more windows of wiki stuff... finally got offline at 0115
- looked outside and the pavement was all wet like it had rained, so i hit snooze for an hour... then turned it off and slept until 10 i should go running in the rain though still... probably get sick, but then i'd have that all wet but getting sick so you're all warm feeling
that's the only good thing about being sick, is that it makes your body and mind all wony so you feel bad but it feels good... you know?
- is it just me or does Billy the Kid in Bill&Teds look like darth maul in sw ep1? i always kinda thought they were the same guy even though i knew different
- it's raining and thundering right now... and a minute after i typed this i have to add: it's actually hailing bb sized chunks of hail now.
- then it just rained some more. i got ready to leave and left, and the sun was out and shiny bright and warm and the streets were steaming. it was wierd
got to moms and went online a bit, added this thing on myspace where you buy you friends, so i bought them and gave them away and rebought them... it was fun.
- drove my sis to ballet, it was raining again, then went grocery shoppin with my brother. when we got back to moms i made tuna helper fettucini alfredo. it was pretty good, and watched rustlers rhapsody then picked up my sis at ballet, then back to moms to eat again, then to my house to watch the grays anatomy 2 hr season finale.
which was pretty good then i took my sis home, and came back to my home. refilled my water bottle, did 10 perfect pushups and then went online. that buy friends on myspace thing is a fun game. i bought 51 people last time i was on, and started with 31 (had 40 when i got offline at 6ish, so 8 people were bought away from me, so i bought them all back and more.) it's like the stock market of people
in bed a lil after midnight like 1230
- all rainy again, so i didn't go run. woke at 7 used the restroom, looked outside, saw it's all wet and sprinkling a little, so i went back to sleep. finally got up at 1030. went online for a couple hours. then showered and went to moms. watched the great santini, cooked a bacon and egg sandwich with mayo+mustard on white, went online a bit, finished santini, put on dazed and confused, talked to red for an hour, online a bit again, ate some mac+cheese and veggies and baked fish patties, took my sis and bro and friend to dance, came back, went online, watched dazed and confused, ate some roasted chicken and veggies and gravy, watched dazed and confused again, cooked jello, came home about 2230, put on music player listening to Graceland, went online for a couple hours, bed around 1
- up 11, my alarm was still of from yesterday, looked nice when i got up, it's 10 now, kinda overcast but sunny still, went online, buying people back on myspace, checking new pictures and mesasges and bulletins everywhere
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Cooler BEST SODA EVER!!!!
- ate some sandwiches and watched the end of spiceworld then started watching it over again, my sis called about going to the beach, but my grandma wanted me to wait here until 2 for my greatuncle to get here, so my sis called grandma and she had my greatuncle go to my moms instead of here so i showered up and left to go to the beach with them.
which was a good time.
it was clear and sunny and warm/cool, not hot but pretty nice, a little too cool when the wind would blow, but good overall. and deserted, nobody was there (bolsa chica state beach.), which was good cause it ws easy to get a firepit
ate sub sandwiches my sis and her schoolmates made, and some cheetos and nutter butter bits, drank sodas, got some sun, chilled out, got my feet wet a little, got osme sun, listened to the mp3 and relaxed
all day we kept saying "yeah, that's what she said" for EVERYTHING... it was funny
later we lit a fire and ate s'mores the fire was kinda tough, they didn't bring much wood, and nothing to start it with (no kindling or cardboard or paper, and my sis had a cheapy butane lighter that wouldn't stay lit for more than a sec, so the people next to us gave us newspaper and a butane firestarter lighter and that got it lit up real good.
... and right before we were gonna leave the same people next to us gave us 2 huge pieces of wood, so we stayed an extra half hour, then drove home.
and the aftermath
got a lil burned i guess got home and put my grandma's folding chairs back in the garage and she was mad :1) cause i didn't ask, and 2) cause they may have some sand on them, which i brushed most off before i packed them. so i said sorry i'll clean them off, and she said "i don't want you to say sorry, just clean ALL the sand off" so i said fine, i'm not sorry, i'll clean them off tomorrow.
went online a bit, showered, then off to bed.
And I'm gonna try to take a trip down to Dublin to hit up the Dr. Pepper plant sometime this summer. I have so missed living in DP country!