- you know how the fiscal year like starts in july and ends in june, well, i was thinking last night how day and night and morning are like that: when the sun is up it's day, and when it's down it's night, but after midnight it's morning technically but not really until almost sun up it's still night while it's dark and still yesterday not today... somewhere around 3 or 4 it's always morning and tomorrow has become today... although i still look at midnight as the switch... :Surreal:

- up at 0730, went back to bed until 5 to 8, got up, went online a couple minutes, then off around 830 to moms to run...
and run we did

i feel REALLY good after working out. clears the senses, makes the body feel alive, clears the sinuses, gets the adrenaline running i feel REALLY good right now!
my camelbak after it's first day in the trenches. it did well
me with my running sweatband, cause my forehead sweats ALOT so it keeps it out of my eyes
- my legs are gonna feel it tomorrow i'm pretty sure, surely my shins, they're all used up right now so when i walk the balls of my feet slap into the ground i'll have to keep stretching all day so i'm not too stiff tomorrow
- reading the bcb group i'm reminded of when i worked security and it put me in shape...
- so i showered up and went to moms, dropped my bro to get picked up to go see his gf do some cheer thing, went back to moms, watched the last half of mallrats and ate lasagna then watched like half of porky's, dropped my sis at ballet, hung out with some friendlies at the mall, picked up my sis from ballet, took her home, then me and my sis went to my house and watched greys anatomy, then back to moms, ate a chicken sandwich and watched the fugitive, talked to karen for an hour, finished the fugitive, came home, went online.
- i want to go run tomorrow night too. it's lotsa fun to run at night, when it's cool, just run and listen to the headphones maybe do some weights tomorrow too... we'll see
-http://suicidegirls.com/interviews/Richard+Donner/ "If you cant do it real then its not real."
one of the things i always think and say when i see cgi in films... models and physical effects always look better than cgi stuff
- went to bed after 2, then up a lil after 8... way tired, but still gotta go run
got there a lil after 9, and my sis and bro thought it was too hot to go run, so we're gonna go run tonight when it's cooler, around 8ish when my sis is done with ballet.
cashed a check, gassed the car ($47... 89oct@ $3.919 per gallon, damn gas is expensive) made a credit card payment, %15 for minutes on my phone, then home, went online, took a nap for an hour, then red called called, just got a punching bag and spped bag and a combined stand for them, talked a bit then showered and went and hung out with him for an hour or so, then picked up my bro and picked up his freidn and 2 sisters (one is his gf), then back to the house, hung out with all the fam (my other sis' and nieces and nephew were there), went on myspace and loaded 150 or so pictures onto myspace (all the stuff i've made... most of it anyway), ate some taquitos, read some of my book and listened to mp3 player, then went online again for a bit, youtube again, then bro and sisters got home from dance and i went home and changed into workout stuff, my dad texted , then back there and we stretched and ran and exercised
my shins were a lil sore, and my abs at the very top right around the bottom of my ribs, and my inner thigh too. gonna go run again in the morning
washed off my face and arms and legs, then we all ate leftover chinese food and hung out, karen called and i talked to her for a half hour or so, then hung out some more, came home at midnight, went online, talked to karen bit, mentioned the prince
by Machiavelli
so i looked it up
- went to bed at 0145
- woke up at 10 to 8, went online for 15 minutes, changed, off to workout
- i realized last night when i had almost fallen asleep that i didn't take a shower when i got home... so i was laying in bed all dry sweaty still from working out
- so went to moms but forgot they're helping someone move today so i needed to be there at 8 (got there at 9) to have time to run. so we're gonna run tonight again.
went online, watched some of bring it on, showered, dressed, bought a cigar, some dr pepper, a lottery ticket, went to moms, went online, sat out in the sun and heat and smoked my cigar and drank my dr pepper and listened to my mp3 player, tanned my arms and legs for a half hour (helps the psoriasis), put up the umbrella and sat in the shade out in the heat and finished my cigar (drew estates, la vieja habana, ... not sure which one, they had 2 boxes one said connecticut shade and the other said maduro and i got the connecticut, lighter in color and was shorter too, i'll look at the box tomorrow to make sure, but looking online i think it's the rothschild luxo)
--- it feels good sometimes to just sit in the heat and the sun and sweat ---
finished that, went online a bit again, ate a sandwich (pastrami, chedder and pickles), hung out with the sisters and friends, sat around and shot the shit with my bro's gf, washed dishes for 2 hours, reheated some chicken in the microwave then mixed it with tomatos and lemon, cooked up some onions in butter then added the chicken mixture, rolled me some burritos with the chicken and sour cream and shredded cheese, 2 of those, watched slc punk one and a half times, karen called, drove home, still talking to karen, sat in the car another hour and talked with her
and it got me thinkin about how you can't trust anyone, it's all you, all alone in your head, that's where life happens, all just chemicals in the head, and when you depend on someone else you're gonna get hurt, one way or the other, bad or worse, it's gonna happen, so you can't put your trust into anyone, can't depend on them, do what you have to do for you, so YOU feel good, and if others don't want to help and just want to hinder... fuck 'em
so now i'm home, online, lil after midnight, tomorrow i'm gonna smoke another cigar and drink some more dr pepper and sit in the heat and the sun and enjoy another beautiful relaxing day
fuck it all, me is the most important and i'm gonna revel in it and bask in the glories of life
- when ever i stretch my abs past slightly hunched over, like i stand straight up with my shoulders back, my abs fucking hurt, especially right at the top along the bottom of my rib cage that's the worst part all day they've been like it, i keep stretching them but it sucks...
didn't go to sleep until 4...
- for my first 16 years i went to church at least twice a week (sunday morning service, and a service during the week, kids or youth group depending on age) and i still feel kinda bad not going... it's all i think about on sunday's
- 10 random songs from my windows media player on shuffle
1>thumbsucker- shel silverstein
2> title ( it's just there, 16:12minutes long, no other info but title, no artist or composer... i don't know where it's from, it's just synthesizers and shit for 16:12...)
3>jerkin back and forth- devo (e-z listening disc)
4>the knife feels like justice- brian setzer
5>pale blue eyes- lou reed; the velvet underground
6>breathless- jerry lee lewis
7>meet me in heaven- janette carter
8>homeless- paul simon
9>reflection ["Mulan"1998]- lea salonga
10>soar- christina aguilera
11> only women bleed- alice cooper
12> i'm a believer- nina hagen
13> frenchman for the night- jimmy buffett
14> like a rolling stone- sebastian cabot
15>everything in the wrong place ball- oscar and zoey(?), sesame street
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shel_Silverstein
- woke up 8, my alarm was set for 7, so i could get used to waking up early to go workout, but it didn't go off, and when i looked at my phone i knwe why: battery is dead. so i put it on the charger, grabbed my keys and moved my car. then back inside and went online, entered the codes off my dr pepper caps at drpepper.com... no winners, farted around in groups here,got offline, showered, watched the rest of bring it on, left, bought a cigar (same as yesterday: drew estates la ieja habana rothschild luxo, 5x54 robusto, very nice ) and some more dr pepper, went to moms, sat outside again drinkin
and smokin, listened to music, out there for an hour, half of it in the sun, it was just as hot and sunny but with a better breeze so nicer, then went online a bit, then went home to get movies then back to moms, ate a chicken burrito again like last night and watched super size me with my mom and the stepdude, then watched the ninth configuration and went online a bit,
was gonna watch backdraft when i got offline, but karen called and i talked to her for an hour, then i finished what i was doin online, and didn't go to sleep until almost 4
- must have fallen back asleep when my alarm went off. was supposed to be up at 7 to get ready and go run, woke up a lil after 9 and my phone was stuffed under my pillows.
don't remember doing that well, my sis doesn't want to run after 9, cause she says it's too hot, so i'll just go over there later... maybe we'll run after watching bones, so at like 9:30 tonight maybe...
went online
- showered, ate some leftover pizza + watched some of backdraft, went to moms, watched storytellers: billy idol, then some of the lords of discipline, took my sis to ballet, walked around the mall and barnes & noble (read some about von dutch, cigars, gi joes), picked up my sis from ballet, came home we watched bones, some of house, took her home and they all left to watch prince caspian, i stayed and played online, myspace and youtube
and photobucket and googled tiki, then they came back and i came home, went online
went to bed around 0230
- didn't wake up until a lil after 9 again... so i just went online
continued some reading on wiki
- ate some ham and cheese sandwiches and finished watching backdraft. took a shower, left, recycled some bottles (my grandma always crushes them now, so i blew them back up this week so i could put them in the machine instad of weighing them. got $2.60 today), went to moms. watched school of rock (they already had it on) then watched snl:25 years of music, at some bacon end+pieces and eggs and tortillas, then dropped my bro at church, came back, finished snl:25, picked up my sis from ballet, came back, took a nap, watched stick it, ate some spagetti, hung out with sis and niece and nephew, almost finished stick it, but had to get home for hells kitchen, so drove home, 10 minutes before my show, updated my blog on my comp, watched hell's kitchen, then seinfeld, went online
- gonna run in the morning whether my sister does or not
some say that if you wish for something it will come to you..but you have to be very specific
cheers mate!