- went to wiki to find out what the boys brigade is
... very interesting.
read my friends blog on myspace about college being overrated, most of it was an article titled"America's Most Overated Product: the Bachelor's Degree but Marty Nemko"
made me glad i didn't go right out of high school
- went and hung out at moms a bit, watched part of the replacements, came home, went to bed around 1230
- up at 6, showered, went to moms, got the kids, let my sis drive, gassed the car, then off we went to pasadena to the luau at my sis' school. the car we went in only has am, so we listened to radio disney for 2 hours
but then we got there and had some awesome food: some salmon thing (looked like a creamed corn but with salmon and some veggies or something in it instead of corn), macaroni salad with spam pieces, spam masawi(?)(like a sushi roll with spam; very yummy
), stir fried veggies, orange chicken, some other chicken, lobster crepes
, beef spare ribs, shredded pork, lamb chops, roasted pig meat and skin
(so good to suck and gnaw and eat the skin and suck the meat and fat off it:love
, then DESERT too! brownies bites, orange zested something cake bites, macadamia nut cookies, some whipped cream and white kinda pudding thing, lemon squares, fried donut balls, freash fruit salad, raspberry cake... i think i'm forgetting one of 2 of the stuff i ate, but it was so good
and i had magical pinapple punch (pineapple and ginger ale, my sis told me) very refreshing. it was a good time
so while eating the luau food the cooking labs were full so we had to go sit in the cafe, so my mom goes to the restroom and comes back and leans over to whisper something in my sisters ear and my sis is all like what are you doing? and my mom says oh nothing i was gonna tell you something and my sister looks at her kinda wierd and says just tell me then and my mom says you'd be a good ob/gyn and my sis is like what!?! why!?! and i say cause you love vagina so much and we all laugh my mom most of all and then she says no no cause you have a soft touch and i go yeah... a soft touch and wiggle my finger in the air and everyone is just laughing and my sis says mom that's such a wierd thing to say and my other sis says you know what's wierd? and looks at me and says the other day it was all hot in the car and i said it's so hot and mom says get used to it it'll be even hotter when you go to africa!... well, point being my mom is kinda wierd
but it was funny... a good morning with the fam
- then to stepdads to get the last of the stuff. from 11 to 6, packed the 2 pickups full and still have 1 last load that he'll get tomorrow on his way home from work. so most of the stuff was boxed up, we just had to take it out of the house and load it. lots of stuff that couldn't be boxed too, posters, frames, mirrors, machinery, wood, just odd shaped or longer pieces of stuff. got a lil sunburnt on my arms and back of the neck again, wore a hat so my face is ok today.
then took 2 hours to drive home, then hung out and babysitted the neices and nephew until my other sis and bro and their friends came home from dance, all the lil kids had fallen asleep watching the little mermaid.
came home, showered, went online, went to bed a little b4 1.
- up at 0830, moved the car, washed off the driveway, went online
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Southern one of the only good things i ever got out of knowing this asshole stephen i used to work with was that he introduced me to terry southerns work
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernie_Fosselius ever seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_Wars ? Awesome. always seen it on the same cassete with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_vs_Godzilla and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porklips_Now and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closet_Cases_of_the_Nerd_Kind , Great films, if you haven't seen them find them and watch it
-... is it just me or do a shitload of bands have female bass players?
- and another 10 songs shuffled:
1>Silver Wings- Merle Haggard
2>Money Changes Everything- Cyndi Lauper
3>Rock Lobster- The B-52's
4>Victoria Iceberg- Bear Vs Shark
5>Out of Range [Acoustic]- Ani DiFranco
6>Elvis Is Dead- Living Colour
7>Do You Wanna Dance- The Beach Boys
8>Lust to Love- The Go-Go's
9>Roam- The B-52's
10>Goldfinger- Ash
- watched the directors commentary on The Mexican, then watched The Mexican without it, worked on my sweatshirt some while i watched the movie.
- left the house, bought AAA batteries, then a cigar, then dr pepper, then a lotto ticket and 2 of those small 1 ounce liquor bottles ( malibu rum, 1 pineapple + 1 coconut) went to moms, drank my soda ate some leftovers (pizza), drank my rum, ate some more leftovers (chinese), smoked my stogie, talked on the phone, drank my soda, finished my stogie, hung out, dropped mom at the movies, went back, helped the stepdude unload the trucks, watched the last half of the replacements, picked up mom at the movies and my sis picked up the kids there (we sat in the parking lot and talked for 10 minutes waiting and my fm transmitter goes far enough when the car is parked next to mine so we both listened to my mp3 player (currently henry rollins spoken word and denis leary, sam kinison, and bobcat goldwaith stand up), dropped mom off and came home.
and that was saturday
- so during one of henry rollins pieces he mentions" a thomas of finland face" and i have no real idea what it is (kinda a vague idea, but not sure if i'm actually thinking of something else or what) so i wiki'd it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%2C_Bishop_of_Finland and i think this is it. the guy looks pretty intense in a portrait on the page
... never mind, i googled it and found this http://www.tomoffinlandfoundation.org/foundation/N_Home.html which makes more sense considering what he was talking about... wiki'd it too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_of_Finland
- anytime i see the word juicer all i think of is rifts
and the book juicer rebellion... i forget which world book it is... i should go find it in the garage...
- woke up at 9, went out, washed the dirt and dust off my car, parked my car on the street, squeegeed the windows, washed off the driveway stuff, went online, showered, went to moms, came home, napped for 3 hours, went back to moms, watched hell's kitchen online (saw a badass commercial for chevy, with this chick dressed like a fairy playing a pan flute made of water bottles glued together
snatched it and put it on my youtube page ), ate some leftover chinese food, watched bones online, put my myspace top friends on randomize, then some youtube, then watched casino royale with my lil sis, then came home.
- so my mom is gonna pay me for helping them move all the stuff from the stepdads place, well she was gonna pay me on friday, but my brother had to make his car insurance payment and didn't have enough to do it, so he asked mom and she asked if i could wait, and i said yes, cause his car insurance is a little more important to pay than my overdue bank charges and internet bill.
well, today he spent $200 to go skydiving and when i told him mom was supposed to use the money she gave him to pay me so i can pay some bills he said,"so? i'm gonna pay her back later." my brother is a selfish thieving shit anyway. now he probably isn't even gonna pay her back since he knows it was for me.
- up a lil before 8 for an hour, then back to bed until 1130, karen called and woke me upo, talked to her for a bit, went online again for an hour, watched some tv and did some stuff on my sewing project
sewing a liner for the sweatshirt. gotta cover the logo thing on the front of it, then do some inner pockets to attch between liner and outer shell, maybe more pockets on the outside too. then put it all together and i'll be done.
showered and when i gto out i had a text from tara asking to hang out, and a missed call from karen, so i texted tara to say yes, and called karen back, who wanted to talk about her boy troubles again, then finished getting ready and went to hang with tara.
picked up some friends of hers on the way to the mall, then hung out at the mall for a couple hours, saw an old friend who came back to work at the mall there and chatted with her ( this morning she saw some lady holding like a 7lbs premee looking baby one handed with the baby on her back with her head hanging all bent necked off the lady's hand, and my friend was agast that someone would hold her baby like that, and when the lady came back by to leave some other girl was looking all agast too and my friend said,"should i say something?" and the girl said yeah, so she asked the lady to support the baby's neck while she's holding her cause it's bad for the baby, and the lady got all pissed off and told her "i can hold my baby any way i want, it's my baby not yours" and filed a complaint witht he mall) then we ate at red robin (clucks and fries) with another friend of tara's, and tara got her all pissed off and she stormed out after paying, then i picked up my sis from ballet and dropped tara and her friend at his house, then went to moms, ate some krispy kremes, then watched last weeks grey's anatomy online, then some youtube and myspaced it a bit, then home.
it was a nice day
- so the fairy video thing i showed my friend on myspace and today she commented "wow, so the fairy thing is true" and i sent back 'i don't mess around when it comes to fairies', and she says" hmm, first there was the stroks and now the fairies, i'm afraid to ask what'll be next", and i say" next come ninja monkeys and flying pajama squirrels"...
but i have no idea what a flying pajama squirrel is yet, it just sounded like something to say.
- and it was cinco de mayo today, which is spanish for 5 days of mayonaisse... where they celebrate the leaving out of a days worth of mayonaisse that didn't go bad and lasted for 5 days during the defeat of the french by the mexican army... sorta like the passover miracle happening on independence day
-... almost forgot to put this: i was watching mr rogers neighborhood last week, and he had a guy on there playing the glass harmonica, which sounded like when someone plays glasses, but like a long glass graduated thing on a spindel and it rotates and the guys moves his moistened finger to different areas to while it spins... it was badass
so i wiki'd it, and it not one piece, it's a series of bowls placed on the spindle one after the other, so it's like jsut like playing glasses... there are some wicked cool instruments out there
- went to wiki to find out what the boys brigade is
... very interesting.
read my friends blog on myspace about college being overrated, most of it was an article titled"America's Most Overated Product: the Bachelor's Degree but Marty Nemko"
made me glad i didn't go right out of high school

- went and hung out at moms a bit, watched part of the replacements, came home, went to bed around 1230
- up at 6, showered, went to moms, got the kids, let my sis drive, gassed the car, then off we went to pasadena to the luau at my sis' school. the car we went in only has am, so we listened to radio disney for 2 hours

so while eating the luau food the cooking labs were full so we had to go sit in the cafe, so my mom goes to the restroom and comes back and leans over to whisper something in my sisters ear and my sis is all like what are you doing? and my mom says oh nothing i was gonna tell you something and my sister looks at her kinda wierd and says just tell me then and my mom says you'd be a good ob/gyn and my sis is like what!?! why!?! and i say cause you love vagina so much and we all laugh my mom most of all and then she says no no cause you have a soft touch and i go yeah... a soft touch and wiggle my finger in the air and everyone is just laughing and my sis says mom that's such a wierd thing to say and my other sis says you know what's wierd? and looks at me and says the other day it was all hot in the car and i said it's so hot and mom says get used to it it'll be even hotter when you go to africa!... well, point being my mom is kinda wierd

- then to stepdads to get the last of the stuff. from 11 to 6, packed the 2 pickups full and still have 1 last load that he'll get tomorrow on his way home from work. so most of the stuff was boxed up, we just had to take it out of the house and load it. lots of stuff that couldn't be boxed too, posters, frames, mirrors, machinery, wood, just odd shaped or longer pieces of stuff. got a lil sunburnt on my arms and back of the neck again, wore a hat so my face is ok today.
then took 2 hours to drive home, then hung out and babysitted the neices and nephew until my other sis and bro and their friends came home from dance, all the lil kids had fallen asleep watching the little mermaid.
came home, showered, went online, went to bed a little b4 1.
- up at 0830, moved the car, washed off the driveway, went online
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Southern one of the only good things i ever got out of knowing this asshole stephen i used to work with was that he introduced me to terry southerns work
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernie_Fosselius ever seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_Wars ? Awesome. always seen it on the same cassete with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambi_vs_Godzilla and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porklips_Now and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closet_Cases_of_the_Nerd_Kind , Great films, if you haven't seen them find them and watch it
-... is it just me or do a shitload of bands have female bass players?
- and another 10 songs shuffled:
1>Silver Wings- Merle Haggard
2>Money Changes Everything- Cyndi Lauper
3>Rock Lobster- The B-52's
4>Victoria Iceberg- Bear Vs Shark
5>Out of Range [Acoustic]- Ani DiFranco
6>Elvis Is Dead- Living Colour
7>Do You Wanna Dance- The Beach Boys
8>Lust to Love- The Go-Go's
9>Roam- The B-52's
10>Goldfinger- Ash
- watched the directors commentary on The Mexican, then watched The Mexican without it, worked on my sweatshirt some while i watched the movie.
- left the house, bought AAA batteries, then a cigar, then dr pepper, then a lotto ticket and 2 of those small 1 ounce liquor bottles ( malibu rum, 1 pineapple + 1 coconut) went to moms, drank my soda ate some leftovers (pizza), drank my rum, ate some more leftovers (chinese), smoked my stogie, talked on the phone, drank my soda, finished my stogie, hung out, dropped mom at the movies, went back, helped the stepdude unload the trucks, watched the last half of the replacements, picked up mom at the movies and my sis picked up the kids there (we sat in the parking lot and talked for 10 minutes waiting and my fm transmitter goes far enough when the car is parked next to mine so we both listened to my mp3 player (currently henry rollins spoken word and denis leary, sam kinison, and bobcat goldwaith stand up), dropped mom off and came home.
and that was saturday

- so during one of henry rollins pieces he mentions" a thomas of finland face" and i have no real idea what it is (kinda a vague idea, but not sure if i'm actually thinking of something else or what) so i wiki'd it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%2C_Bishop_of_Finland and i think this is it. the guy looks pretty intense in a portrait on the page

... never mind, i googled it and found this http://www.tomoffinlandfoundation.org/foundation/N_Home.html which makes more sense considering what he was talking about... wiki'd it too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_of_Finland
- anytime i see the word juicer all i think of is rifts

- woke up at 9, went out, washed the dirt and dust off my car, parked my car on the street, squeegeed the windows, washed off the driveway stuff, went online, showered, went to moms, came home, napped for 3 hours, went back to moms, watched hell's kitchen online (saw a badass commercial for chevy, with this chick dressed like a fairy playing a pan flute made of water bottles glued together

- so my mom is gonna pay me for helping them move all the stuff from the stepdads place, well she was gonna pay me on friday, but my brother had to make his car insurance payment and didn't have enough to do it, so he asked mom and she asked if i could wait, and i said yes, cause his car insurance is a little more important to pay than my overdue bank charges and internet bill.
well, today he spent $200 to go skydiving and when i told him mom was supposed to use the money she gave him to pay me so i can pay some bills he said,"so? i'm gonna pay her back later." my brother is a selfish thieving shit anyway. now he probably isn't even gonna pay her back since he knows it was for me.
- up a lil before 8 for an hour, then back to bed until 1130, karen called and woke me upo, talked to her for a bit, went online again for an hour, watched some tv and did some stuff on my sewing project

sewing a liner for the sweatshirt. gotta cover the logo thing on the front of it, then do some inner pockets to attch between liner and outer shell, maybe more pockets on the outside too. then put it all together and i'll be done.
showered and when i gto out i had a text from tara asking to hang out, and a missed call from karen, so i texted tara to say yes, and called karen back, who wanted to talk about her boy troubles again, then finished getting ready and went to hang with tara.
picked up some friends of hers on the way to the mall, then hung out at the mall for a couple hours, saw an old friend who came back to work at the mall there and chatted with her ( this morning she saw some lady holding like a 7lbs premee looking baby one handed with the baby on her back with her head hanging all bent necked off the lady's hand, and my friend was agast that someone would hold her baby like that, and when the lady came back by to leave some other girl was looking all agast too and my friend said,"should i say something?" and the girl said yeah, so she asked the lady to support the baby's neck while she's holding her cause it's bad for the baby, and the lady got all pissed off and told her "i can hold my baby any way i want, it's my baby not yours" and filed a complaint witht he mall) then we ate at red robin (clucks and fries) with another friend of tara's, and tara got her all pissed off and she stormed out after paying, then i picked up my sis from ballet and dropped tara and her friend at his house, then went to moms, ate some krispy kremes, then watched last weeks grey's anatomy online, then some youtube and myspaced it a bit, then home.
it was a nice day

- so the fairy video thing i showed my friend on myspace and today she commented "wow, so the fairy thing is true" and i sent back 'i don't mess around when it comes to fairies', and she says" hmm, first there was the stroks and now the fairies, i'm afraid to ask what'll be next", and i say" next come ninja monkeys and flying pajama squirrels"...
but i have no idea what a flying pajama squirrel is yet, it just sounded like something to say.
- and it was cinco de mayo today, which is spanish for 5 days of mayonaisse... where they celebrate the leaving out of a days worth of mayonaisse that didn't go bad and lasted for 5 days during the defeat of the french by the mexican army... sorta like the passover miracle happening on independence day

-... almost forgot to put this: i was watching mr rogers neighborhood last week, and he had a guy on there playing the glass harmonica, which sounded like when someone plays glasses, but like a long glass graduated thing on a spindel and it rotates and the guys moves his moistened finger to different areas to while it spins... it was badass

so i wiki'd it, and it not one piece, it's a series of bowls placed on the spindle one after the other, so it's like jsut like playing glasses... there are some wicked cool instruments out there


This could be bad!