- ate some sandwiches (ham, cheese, w/mayo+mustard, on wheat), took a shower, was gonna go to my moms and as i'm walking downstairs she calls and talks to my grandma and wants to talk to me, so i do, and she asks if i can drive my bro and sis to krav maga, so i say yes, and wait a half hour then go over. eat some lasagna and drink some water, then take them, then hang at the mall, then pick them up, watch pride and prejudice, eat some ice cream, then some mini sausages, then watch the movie and talk with my sis, then i come home.
- i put sleepwalking, by sant0 & johnny, on my mp3 player yesterday, and when my sis was driving us around i connected it to the car for us to listen to, and the song makes me feel like crying... have you ever seen la bamba? the end i always think of and it makes me wanna cry

"I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich."
- stayed up til almost 4 looking at old high school friends on myspace
- woke up around 1030ish, was gonna go online, but listening to music and starting right away at solitare distracted me. just after 11 i remembered i have things to do today, so i turned off the comp and started the shower, then remembered i have to put the soap on a dry driveway so i moved my car then washed off the driveway, then took a shower, got online for 20 minutes or so to check messages and such, then left at noon, putting on the cement cleaner before i went.
- had a wierd dream last night, can't quite remember it all, but was smoking cigars and cigarettes, and builing a building or in a building, and got in some stupid fight with my best friend cause my zippo wouldn't close all the way and stayed lit like it was gonna explode and i didn't want to get rid of it and he said to throw it away... what i remember of it was wierd

- recycled some plastics (you can't use the 5cent machine if the bottle are crushed, so i had to go by weight, and i only got about 2/3's as much (43 bottles x 5c= $2.15... i got $1.44

and it was BRAND new, like probably the 1st week it's open, all new, and about 90% stocks, still some empty space, checked it out, nice shop, all the smoking accesories, lots of hookah's, little tchiotchkies too, condoms, keychains. bought a cigar, humidor felt a little too humid (more on that later). the code enforemant lady was there too, cited the guy for his temporary signs

to the post office, money orders, stamps, then sent off the bills. lotto ticket and $15 for my phone minutes, then to my moms. put my beers in the freezer, ate some leftover lasagna, drank some water, watched some of hot fuzz, then it was time to drink so i took the beers out, my sis asked me to take her to walmart, so i put the beers in the fridge and took her to walmart. funny story:
so we get underworld evolution, and they watch it. i go in the backyard with my stogie, my mp3 player, my beer and a book (joseph heller, catch as catch can, published and unpublished short stories) and start to light my cigar. kinda rough getting it lit, it's windy, but light's ok, and i'm smoking (nice cigar, $1.99, new brand of cigar for me... All Americas) and i'm smokin and drinkin and reading, and i notice my cigar is not burning on about 2/3's of the wrapper, and i have like a 2" ashline running down the side and the rest isn't even burnt or charred looking, so i hit it with the lighter and then tap it off. happens again, except this time after about a half inch the wrapper doesn't even burn, just the filler... and i realize the cigar is too mist and i should have saved it for a day or 2... oh well, it was a nice cigar still had to relight it like 4 times, but you live you learn.
so i finished 3 beers (snakebites again, 1/2 guinness 1/2 cider) and was gonna have the last one later. took a nap, then my sis and bro in law and nieces and nephew came, hung out for a while, dropped off the other car they were borrowing from mom, then grandma came over and we went to claim jumper for dinner. had a bowl of chowder, then an I Declair. thing was as huge as i remeber and just as good my sis din't believe me when i said it was HUGE and got one herself, so instead of eating one whole one, we had 2 and shared them both around the table, and each finished about half of each. grandma was mad
cause they were huge and she thought they would cost a fortune, but only $12 each... not too bad. she was still mad though
went back to moms, hung out, went on the computer, talked to red on the phone, ended up discussing my moms proposed shelters thing, which we decided to nickname the Hippie Help Center, then played online more, then talked to karen a bit (she wants to be in a serious relationship with an old bf, but doesn't want to get hurt again, and i told her if the risk is getting hurt in a serious relationship or not being in one and not getting hurt she has to decide if it's worth it or not) then watched some lord of the rings, then came home. a pretty nice day.
- i haven't been to sea world in forever..
-"If Not Now....When? Become the Change."
"Live For Today, Dream For Tomorrow."
"You have to put a demand on your Potential... that's the only way its going to be released"
- woke up, went online, moved my car, washed off the driveway, showered, put cleaner on the driveway, went online, watched clerks 2, ate 1/3 chicken, went online, watched everybody loves raymond, ugly betty, grays anatomy, lost, karen called and talked to her about some dude she wants to get serious with but she's not sure if he wants the ssame thing, finished lost, watched friends,
-"(Everybody's Free To Wear) Sunscreen"
Baz Luhrmann
-qualities of a man
- woke up, moved my car, washed off the driveway cleaner, went online, talked to karen, put cleaner on the driveway, showered, went to moms, talked to joe, ate a sandwich and some brownies, watched some of pride & prejudice with the commentary, went online for a couple hours, watched hot fuzz, ate some pizza, came home, talked to karen, got online again, went to bed, karen called and we talked another half hour, went to sleep.
-"Live the day and then be done with it, you've done as much as you could.""
"Always love, hate will get you every time, Always love, don't wait till the finish line"
- woke up at quarter of 9, went online for a couple hours, took a shower, went to moms, ate some yogurt, played online, came home, took a nap
- those damn capcha things that veryify you aren't a bot piss me off! my computer runs so slow that every other one takes me 2 or 3 times until the pic loads fast enough for me to enter the code before it's ready to reset
BB stands for Boys Brigade.