- got up at 8, went online for a bit, then back to sleep and rest and listen to cd until noon, when i got out of bed again.
- played some sims, then went to moms, made and ate some quasadillas, then played online and looked up stuff about thrusdays accident and stuff online, then a bunch of stuff on wiki (doris day, sandra dee, boddy darin, richie valens, la bamba, buddy holly, lou diamond philips, lou diamond, ric ocasek, and a bunch of other stuff), then hung out with my bro, went to a friends, he got in 'n' out for dinner, then went back to moms, he left to hang out with some other friends, i watched goonies with the commentary, picked up my bro and sis from church (they went to magic mountain) then came back , at sandwiches and finished goonies, then came home.
i wonder what comes after... whether it all just ends, or the soul goes to heaven or hell, or some other beyond, whether maybe i'll wake up and be 60 and have dreamed all this alternative time, or awake younger in this same life, or suddenly be reincarnated as something, or float around as a ghost, a spirit disconnected from the physical realm... or, a thought that scares me, like in the jaunt, and my mind will wander bodyless through a purely unphysical eternity being tortured slowly, going insane...
- yeah, so my brother looked up the numbers that guy gave, one is a cell phone in sd (i forget which city) and one is a phone at a restuarant in the sd gaslamp.
- so today i got a call from my mom around 11 asking if i'd go over to her house cause my sis would be alone when they go to church at noon, so i said yes. so i played online for an hour or so, then cleaned up and went to moms, watched an episode of bones online with my sis, then we went to lunch with grandma at IHOP, then back to moms and we watched leon (the professional), cause she'd never seen it before, then i watched some of clerks X special features and our bro dropped her at church, i ate a quasadilla, watched more of clerks X, then picked up my bro and sis from church, drove back and ran out of gas, so the car stopped once on the way to moms. i got $7 in gas money and they went to get my sis at her bf's. so i drove to the gas station, the engine gassed out like 3 times, and with my $7 got 1.79 gallons of gas. didn't even register on the gauge.
then i came home.
that was my day
not sure if it was good or bad really...
-woke up, went online, showered and dressed, then waited for my brandma to be ready, then picked up my sis and she drove my grandmas car and i dropped my car at the shop, they'll look at it sometimes by tomorrow and let me know (valve cover gasket is leaking, and the coolant leaking from somewhere) and then call to let us know. then came home and now i'm bored.
- so my mom called and karens mom came over saying karen didn't go back to school after getting kicked out, and she only has 3 weeks of her 5th year now to finish, so they said it's ok for her to move back home to finish school, so i said i'd let karen know if i talk to her, which i probably won't, cause she's off partying and having tons of fun now that her parents kicked her out and she has no rules to follow anymore.
- played some sims, then watched tv, shop called and it'll be about $130 to fix the oil leak, the intake manifold or something is leaking, so they'll fix that and i can get it anytime after noon tomorrow, then i ate my final 3 banquet tv dinners, they were supposed to be eaten a year ago, but they're frozen, and still good, they taste just as good as they did when i bought them like 2 years ago
watched more tv, went online a bit, watched tv still, did some laundry, ate some sandwiches, went online, went to bed
- woke up at 8, rolled over and went back to sleep until 11
- finally got out of bed, went online, then it was time to go, so i showered and dressed, then drove grandmas car to pick up my sis at dance, then we picked up my car, i put $5 in gas in (thanks g-ma
), then off to the japanese restuarant, i felt sick i stuffed myself with so much food: an order of salmon skin rolls (which tasted awesome, but were constructed VERY poorly, they fell apart as soon as i touched them with my chopsticks) then the combo dinner of teriyaki chicken and assorted tempura with soup, salad and rice. very yummy
and a water and a sprite to drink. it was a nice meal. hana sushi in murrieta
then we went to autozone and got the cleaner for the driveway stain. came hoem and i poured it on the stain, it has to sit 3 hours before i wash it off, then my sis drove to her bf's , we dropped her off and i drove home. and now i sit and watch tv and wait another 2 hours to wash the driveway off and see if it needs to be washed twice.

- got up at 8, went online for a bit, then back to sleep and rest and listen to cd until noon, when i got out of bed again.
- played some sims, then went to moms, made and ate some quasadillas, then played online and looked up stuff about thrusdays accident and stuff online, then a bunch of stuff on wiki (doris day, sandra dee, boddy darin, richie valens, la bamba, buddy holly, lou diamond philips, lou diamond, ric ocasek, and a bunch of other stuff), then hung out with my bro, went to a friends, he got in 'n' out for dinner, then went back to moms, he left to hang out with some other friends, i watched goonies with the commentary, picked up my bro and sis from church (they went to magic mountain) then came back , at sandwiches and finished goonies, then came home.
i wonder what comes after... whether it all just ends, or the soul goes to heaven or hell, or some other beyond, whether maybe i'll wake up and be 60 and have dreamed all this alternative time, or awake younger in this same life, or suddenly be reincarnated as something, or float around as a ghost, a spirit disconnected from the physical realm... or, a thought that scares me, like in the jaunt, and my mind will wander bodyless through a purely unphysical eternity being tortured slowly, going insane...
- yeah, so my brother looked up the numbers that guy gave, one is a cell phone in sd (i forget which city) and one is a phone at a restuarant in the sd gaslamp.
- so today i got a call from my mom around 11 asking if i'd go over to her house cause my sis would be alone when they go to church at noon, so i said yes. so i played online for an hour or so, then cleaned up and went to moms, watched an episode of bones online with my sis, then we went to lunch with grandma at IHOP, then back to moms and we watched leon (the professional), cause she'd never seen it before, then i watched some of clerks X special features and our bro dropped her at church, i ate a quasadilla, watched more of clerks X, then picked up my bro and sis from church, drove back and ran out of gas, so the car stopped once on the way to moms. i got $7 in gas money and they went to get my sis at her bf's. so i drove to the gas station, the engine gassed out like 3 times, and with my $7 got 1.79 gallons of gas. didn't even register on the gauge.
then i came home.
that was my day

-woke up, went online, showered and dressed, then waited for my brandma to be ready, then picked up my sis and she drove my grandmas car and i dropped my car at the shop, they'll look at it sometimes by tomorrow and let me know (valve cover gasket is leaking, and the coolant leaking from somewhere) and then call to let us know. then came home and now i'm bored.
- so my mom called and karens mom came over saying karen didn't go back to school after getting kicked out, and she only has 3 weeks of her 5th year now to finish, so they said it's ok for her to move back home to finish school, so i said i'd let karen know if i talk to her, which i probably won't, cause she's off partying and having tons of fun now that her parents kicked her out and she has no rules to follow anymore.
- played some sims, then watched tv, shop called and it'll be about $130 to fix the oil leak, the intake manifold or something is leaking, so they'll fix that and i can get it anytime after noon tomorrow, then i ate my final 3 banquet tv dinners, they were supposed to be eaten a year ago, but they're frozen, and still good, they taste just as good as they did when i bought them like 2 years ago

- woke up at 8, rolled over and went back to sleep until 11

- finally got out of bed, went online, then it was time to go, so i showered and dressed, then drove grandmas car to pick up my sis at dance, then we picked up my car, i put $5 in gas in (thanks g-ma

then we went to autozone and got the cleaner for the driveway stain. came hoem and i poured it on the stain, it has to sit 3 hours before i wash it off, then my sis drove to her bf's , we dropped her off and i drove home. and now i sit and watch tv and wait another 2 hours to wash the driveway off and see if it needs to be washed twice.

Optimus ain't bad to say I ran out of the right clays and only built him in ten minutes lol.
Wish I got time enough to stay in bed until 11 lol. I just wouldn't sleep, probably read or something.
Where did you take that picture (the one below)...