- another day has come to decide whether to shit or cut bait... and i want to shit...
- good times, for a change...
- went online for an hour or so, then played like 2 hours of warcraft 2, then showered and went to my moms, played on the computer a bit, watched shanghai knights, hung out with the kids and their friends, my other bro stopped by and we hung out for a bit, washed our cars (mine has needed one for months or more, it's still a bit dirtyish, but cleaner dirty than it was) then hung out with the kdis more, watched Quidam again, ate another sandwich, ate some cake. a good day
when i sleep my hair lays down except for the front, and it looks like the purple suited clown guy from quidam
my wiki's for the night
-"Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave"
- woke up around 0730, peed, went back to sleep until 1100. turned on the computer and started listening to music on shuffle. some stuff i don't think i've ever listened to has come up. also sam kinison came up in the shuffle, so i had to get online and look him up on wikipedia.
i love talking about fire and brimstone
-played a couple hours of warcraft 2. ate a couple sandwiches and watched tv. played a couple hours of sims, then went to bed.
- got out of bed a little before 11, grandma said some girl called for me but wouldn't leave her name (probably karen). went online for an hour or so, then played some warcraft (VICTORY!!!) then ate some sandwiches and played some sims, watched some tv, then went to moms in the evening. watched quidam again, then we started watching waynes world, then i came home. listened to 10 minutes of loveline in the car, then came in and tried to get in on a radio,but couldn't get the station to come in so i watched friends instead.
- i don't know if it's the reason she called this morning, but karen called around 6 to ask if she could stay with me (asked grandma, who said no) cause she's getting kicked out by her parents (wouldn't quite tell me why, but i guessed fairly close, or what it's related to), then we asked my mom who said she could stay there, but her ex bf called her to stay she could stay with him and his bro and bros gf, so it's way closer to her and she's gonna stay there. she's gonna quit school and get a job, but first party all the time now that she has no rules to follow... hope she has fun there.
- i think tomorrow i actually will finish the beers in my trunk and go get that $2 stogie... that is now the plan.
- street patrol is on 13 at midnight tonight, not l&a ci... interesting...
I appreciate it