-stayed up until 4am defragging my computer, and watched AngelHeart. Great Movie
- got up, went online, talked on the phone, went online some more. went to my moms, watched movies (xmen2) my bro came home, then my sisters, hung out with my sis and nice and nephew, watched league of extraordinary gentlemen, hung out some more, watched x-men, came home.
read on wiki about wolverine, nightcrawler, and a bunch of other marvel characters...
"Veteran comic book writer Chris Claremont had originally intended for Mystique and Destiny to have been Nightcrawler's biological parents. [2] Mystique, being a shapeshifter, would have taken the form of a man and impregnated Destiny. Marvel, however, felt the idea to be too controversial and an alternative origin was developed."
this sounded very interesting, reminds me of a story i read online once
- woke up, went online, talked to karen, stayed online, bored.
- showered and went to my moms, hung out with the kids, watched annie, then Quidam, then went online for a couple hours, playing games and looking at stuff, then picked up the kids at the library, this week was guitar hero, then ddr, then mellman idol (kareoke, like american idol, but the name of the library), then back to guitar hero. i might go next week, cause getting coupons for free meals and stuff is worth looking like an idiot in public
took the kids to the house, ate some soup, played online somemore, hung out, helped bring in the groceries, then went home.
took out the trashcans for trash day tomorrow, then got the mail. i put the bag of empty water bottles in my trunk, and tomorrow i'll go redeem them for the crv, instead of just throwing them in the recycle trash. i'm gonna try to remember to do that every week. that'll be like... $5 a week, maybe more.
- if i ever go to vegas again i want to see a circue de soleil show... or 2... or all of them if i could... don't they have like 57 shows in vegas now?
- went to the recycle box at the store, and recycled the water bottles. most of them were crushed up so i had to go by weight (and you get less that way
so i had to run out to the car for another quarter.
-something funny i just read online:
"Also, the parenting book written by Lynn Spears (Mother of Britney and Jaime Lynn) for Christian publishers Thomas Nelson has been "delayed indefinitely." Again, duh."
-went to moms, drank some soda, watched x-men movies, took a nap, played on the computer, ate del taco tacos, made my mom and stepdude laugh, watched pride and prejudice (the kiera knightley one), cut my hair with my sister
came home
In my case my sword training is really good. I just need to get a practice sabre to work with at home before the government starts on its big banning run in 4 days time.