- paid my insurance payment for the month, then bought a cigar (drew estates maduro) and some root beer, and went to my moms, smoked my cigar, drank some root beer, started reading catch as catch can: short stories by joseph heller, and hung out all day.took a nap. took my sis to dance class, stopped by the mall for a half hour, drove my brother and his friend to their krav maga class. ate pizza for dinner, came home and talked to karen on the phone for 3 hours. went to bed around midnight.
-woke up around 6, couldn't fall back asleep. went online.
- went back to bed at 0640

- all the stuff i did last friday, and somehow didn't get it into the blog last friday but had it typed out in another dcoument oon my computer
- so today i hung out at home for an hour or so when my uncle and cousins came by, my uncle is taking my sister to see a ballet, her first. then i bought a cigar, and went to my moms, read some more of catch as catch can, then took a nap, then hung out all evening with my brother and his gf and her sister. then came home and watched tv, seinfeld, friends, then some of The Kid with bruce willis, then put back on Heat. went to bed a bit before 2.
- woke up at like 6 and got out of bed and went back to sleep on the couch for 3 hours or so, then couldn't fall back asleep so i stayed up. maybe i'll try to sleep again in an hour or so.
nope, didn't go back to sleep... played around online for awhile, then watched heat again, ate some reheated steak, watched the heat special features, then showered and went to my moms. watched gladiator and cleaned the kitchen a bit, ate some leftover pancakes and french toast.
then started some baked potatoes for dinner, and went to the store. bought 3 steaks, dog food, and a 2l of soda. came back, put on the matrix reloaded, cleaned some more dishes, then cooked my steak (rubbed in salt, pepper, garlic salt) in butter, medium rare. then ate it with a potato slathered in sour cream, and 1/4 avocado, and some Dr Pepper. finished the matrix movie, then went home.
a pretty good saturday
- supposed to have plans to go to the beaech tomorrow, but ain't got no $, so can't go. my friend may not call either, so we'll see. it'll prolly be another day like today, just sit around and do nothing.
Never been big on rpg's but so many of my friends are I occasionally get roped in.