- my friend posted wanted me to post this. they're trying to find others with this congenital disease so they can check them with a new procedure. please read it and repost it. Thanks

- holy crap.
by the time i read up to page 7 it had gone from page 74 to 90, and that was in like 10 minutes. and by the time i posted a comment and read to page 8 it was at page 95... wow:eeK: is that like a record???
... it finally stopped though, at page 100, but was VERY funny Amina & Flux are genius funny!
- and today i wiki'd gwen stefani, cause we were watching the no doubt videos dvd and my sis was saying how gwen is like 32 or so, only maybe 2years older than me, if that, i said she's like 36, like 6 years older, so i had to look it up, and she's 8 1/2 years older than i am, born october 1969... wow , i didn't know she was that old. learn something new everyday
- did find this
in the 100 page thread. very good reading, and linked me to some other informative items
- i could really go for some Spam right now...and a McRib... i wish i had the $
-"Is it true if you don`t use it you lose it?" i kinda think this may be true... but you get it back using it again
-...i'm still reading the 100 page thread,it's 1540 and i started reading it around1300(?) i think, it's taking me forever...
"During Homer's confrontation with the Hullabalooza crowd, there is a brief shot of Homer with the members of the then-unknown musical group No Doubt behind him. Gwen Stefani's brother Eric Stefani, who himself had been a member of the band, was working as an animator at The Simpsons at the time and added them in."
Cool see, you learn something new everyday... and this is totally related to looking up gwen stefani earlier today... 6 degrees people, 6 degrees
- this was too funny
and in case you haven't read the 100 page thread the lady seems to think someone went out and beat this little girl for the picture and did it just for the thread... it's all kindsa goofy but funny
- so i had to get offline around 4ish so my grandma could use the phone, and didn't get back on until 9:30. yesterday i had to wiki garden party, and today Vida has a set called Garden Party
- my friend posted a bulletin "more gas for your cash" on myspace, about how to save gas with various method (pump slow, gas in the morning, gas up more) and i remember i read it here
at snopes.com, so i checked it out and most of it seems to be a time vs. $ thing. you save money doing some of it, but it takes more time and offsets any persieved savings. pretty good read.
reminds me of that wifeswap (or was it trading spouses) where the lady always used paper plates cause it saved money she said and bought HUGE amounts of everythjing in bulk, like she had a years worth of TP at all times. remember that episode???
- finished reding the 100 page thread at 2222. wow, that was long. it felt like an endurance test
- driving my grandma to her other chirpractor today. should be gone all day... again
- yep, gone from 11 to 8:15... drove an hour and a half to the chiropractors, sat in the waiting room for an hour reading magazines, then drove to the cerritos mall and walked around while my grandma shopped, then drove to her favorite japanese restuarant, but she forgot what time they open for dinner so we were an hour early. she invited my great uncle and my sister, so my grandma and great uncle waited there and talked, and me and my sis and her kids went to michaels art store and shopped some, then went back.
- so when i log on to myspace (2200) there's an amber alert thing at the top of the page. it's one for this kid in bakersfield. when i saw it, i knew what it was, and that it has been recalled like 3 hours ago, cause i heard it on the news. the kid was playing with a friend and the friend went home all freaked out saying the kid was kidnapped at gunpoint, then hours later when people were searching the neighborhood they found the kid in a ravine or drainage area or something, half buried and dead. they were playing and digging tunnels and the tunnel caved in and buried the kid, and his friend ran home and made up a story instead of telling what happened. sad
- woke up, goofed online for a bit, then went out, cashed my b-day check, bought a cogar, hung out, got in an argument, went to my moms, played online, dropped my sis at dance, went back to moms, smoked a cigar, played online some more, picked up my sis, went back to moms, played online a bit, hung out, ate some egg salad, watched some of oceans 12, then some of mr and mrs smith, went home, listened to some loveline for 10 minutes, played online, watched some tv, went to bed.
- spent from midnight intil 0230 adding things to my myspace page... added a bunch of info on work and school history, and looked around in groups and at friends and stuff...
- around 4am i had a really bizarre scary dream dream that woke me up:
- woke up arond 0930, feel fine and rested
But then I have boxes and boxes of unpainted or 1 or 2 colour painted ones so what can I say lol.
I've been at it 10 years or more now so I feel any success I have has only come in the last three really.