- layed around listening to music, then went to my moms and took all their cans and bottles to the recycler. went back and went online for a bit, then ate some hot dogs, then back online. watched an episode of flip that house, and some youtube, and played games and myspaced it. a fairly nice day

- i love reading about peoples opinions on movie in the film club group. some people seem to think that unless a film is some kind of 'genius visual dreamscape awakening the boundaries of the future of film' then it's not a good film. if it's an enjoyable movie, then to me it's a good film

- and after reading a post in the sg hopefuls group i googled 'butt plug tail'... very interesting

- so if <3 is like a heart, then can E> be a heart too?
- at like quarter of 2 i went to...
-... wallymart and got 2 bags of sour cream and onion chips, then came home and at half a bag while i watched Heist. then i went to bed at 4

- what the hell is pastry wreck supposed to mean???

- the only thing i did today was go outside and move my car.
- Valhalla of Decadence, Alter of Sin... i want to name a store something that has substance and flair

-this was a pretty cool survey thing i did on myspace this morning:
Psychoanalyze Yourself;
-whenever chili comes up i ask this question: should chili be kinda watery like a soup, or thicker like a stew?
yeah, looked at a bunch more wiki this morning. then took grandma to the dmv to take her written test to get her license renewed. she missed 1 too many, so she has a temp until may. then we got carls jr, then i went to my moms. hung out the rest of the afternoon and night. played online. read a bunch of wiki stuff, watched some youtube, myspaced it. then my bro and sis and their 2 friends and i watched mr and mrs smith. good movie, haven't seen it since it was in theatres.
when i get married i want it to be on st patty's day. then i'm gonna reschedule my christmas party for st patty's day, then when st patty's day come i can have a HUGE Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas, St Patricks Day PARTY!!!
It could be bigger than Mardi Gras!!!
- maybe it's just cause i'm paying a little more attention to groups lately, or others are keeping certain posts more active, but some post lately, in the Hopefuls Group in particular, seem to started with people basically saying," i don't care what you say, i want constructive critisism, and all your advice sucks and is mean", then 10 people post saying" i wasn't being meanm i was trying to help" then the original poster posts again with" you all suck and are unhelpful and mean" and then 20 people post the same" wtf? fine, we'll be a little bitchy then" posts, and a couple of "this is funny, lets just get goofy" posts, but i don't see any actual MEAN things posted to start these threads off, and the people starting them appear (to me anyway, and seemingly to other posters) to take everything critically, and then seem to word everything badly too so it sounds worse than it may seem, then say "i'm not being mean, even though it may sound like it" and then they don't apply the same thing to what everyone else posts...
i can't seem to wrap my head around it.
- good example of what i want to talk about:
about the 6th post down, by SuicidePuppies,
SuicidePuppies said:
[Quick caveat: I'm writing at length tonight, not because I feel particularly passionate about the topic or the original post, but because I'm just in a writing sort of mood (and I'm drunk). So bear with me.]
Anyway, to address the OP: All other things being equal (like photography, lighting, composition, theme, etc.), in a sentence: Some people are just not that good looking. (And yes, I realize aesthetics, as it relates to the perception of attractiveness is subjective, which is all fine and good when you're choosing the people you want to date, but is an entirely different beast when you're a business whose bottom line rests on those decisions.)
So, I'll reiterate: Some people are just not that good looking. Like me, for instance. I'm okay looking, I guess -- fairly average, kind of fat, with a touch of fugly (but quirky, interesting fugly ). I'm sure I have some fans out there, but no one's knocking down my door. (And there are plenty who wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole.) Suffice it to say, I'm not going to make the cover of GQ magazine in my lifetime and I'm fine with that.
But let's say, hypothetically, that I had some lifelong dream to grace the cover of such a magazine -- having submitted pics and been rejected multiple times. Would it be constructive of GQ headquarters to keep saying, "I'm sorry, the lighting wasn't right" or "You need more props in your set, try again"? Or would it be more constructive of them to tell me, "Look dude, you're just not that attractive. Stop fucking submitting sets, you're wasting our fucking time. You'll never make the cover of this magazine, as long as the people who are buying it have the sense of sight." In my opinion, the latter, even though it would be the harsher response, would be a lot more constructive, as I could then cut my losses and find another forum for my look. (There's a market for everything, IMO. And SG.com, whether you want to accept it or not, is a market.)
Unfortunately, telling people the truth (as they see it) is often seen as politically incorrect, thus people feel the need to sugar coat things. So we may keep trying at things we'll most likely never be, because for some reason, we as a society have decided to give "A"s for effort instead of for substance. And everybody's trying to be the next "American Idol" instead of the toilet scrubber at the Sheboygan, Wisconsin McDonalds restaurant.
Mind you, there are exceptions to every rule. But unless you have it in your heart, that you want to struggle to be the exception to the rule, no matter the odds, then it would behoove you to quit (or take the criticism without becoming butthurt over it). Otherwise, do what you need to do -- all the more power to you. But if you choose that route, that should be enough to let any sort of criticism, constructive or otherwise, slide off you, as water does, a duck's back. In other words, if you are truly one to be the exception in any situation, you would be untouchable -- unscathed by criticism, but not wont to whine about it later ("Oh woe is me, why won't they pick me?")
But what I see in the situation that you painted in your post (and often in situations in this group), is not individuals who are untouchable, but those that, when such criticism is given, become defensive and unable to hear the truth (and hence, the impetus and inspiration for posts like the OP's). Therefore, these are not the sort of people who are truly able to be the exceptions to the rule. These are not SuicideGirls. A SuicideGirl is not about tattoos or piercings. Rather, a SuicideGirl is the girl who grew up in a high school where people teased her about the way she spoke, or the books she read, or the way she wore her hair or did her makeup, or the different music she listened to, and said, "Fuck off!" to those intolerant, narrow-minded assholes, while continuing to do her thing regardless, strong and steadfast in her conviction. She had no lifelong hopes of becoming Prom Queen or Homecoming Queen because she was her own Queen, and that was all that mattered.
This is why, when I see people who were rejected here, say "Boo hoo, the SG people said I wasn't right for their site", the more that just convinces me that they were right to reject you, because a true SuicideGirl wouldn't give a shit about it, and would just go on with his/her life. (I say his/her in this context, because even though the site may feature girls, the attitude of a SuicideGirl is something that in my opinion, is genderless, and extends well beyond this site.)
Anyhoo, if there's one thing to be taken away from this incredibly long post of mine, is that you don't have to be on SuicideGirls.com to necessarily be a SuicideGirl, ya dig? (And I'm not talking about the brand in this case, but the attitude.) And until you achieve that attitude, any criticism you receive, benign or malicious, constructive or not, will continue to be a sword in your side.
So it's up to you, how you want to take criticism.
basically says,"if someones calling for oranges, at least be an orange apple before you start bitching about being denied"
or i was thinking," if you have a round hole, don't be pissed when you're a square peg and someone tells you you need to round off a little to fit."
i can't seem to get my point across exactly as it is in my brain. maybe this," if you don't identify EXACTLY what was said, and by WHO, then EVERYONE with think you're talking about EVERYTHING they said"
and Constructive Criticism IS subjective, just like Reality is, and Truth is, and Words are. some people don't think anything criticising can be constructive. Words are always Subjective, it's basic language theory. if words aren't subjective then the following sentence will mean the same thing to you that it does to me : "I want to get CHICKEN!" please tell me what i mean by that and i'll tell you whether we're thinking the same thing.
i think i told the story of what that quote means a couple months ago, so someone might recall what the heck I mean when i say it.
i could go on all day about this. "'I see', said the blind man, to the deaf dog, as he pissed into the wind on a bright moonless night"... I am the Walrus, Googookajoob...
anywho... it's now saturday morning at 0524... i'm gonna go to bed. up all night looking at sg groups and my girls scantily clad myspace pics and now i'm up too late.