-nighttime is the worst. i love when i have things to do at night, but now i just sit at home and do nothing and my mind wanders to nothing... just mentally staring into a void... it sucks.
- remember: if you want it to work, YOU have to WORK it!

- and i put up a question in the film club group, cause i couldn't remember where i'd heard that "best day" line, and dingoes8 remembered and posted a response:[spoiler] it's from City Slickers

- woke up about 1130, went online, the showered and went to my moms, watched because i said so, ate some cherry pie, went online, watched some youtube and played some games, went onto myspace, then ate some soup and salad for dinner and watched more of because i said so, then gassed my car and picked up my sisters, then came back and finished beacuse i said so, and came home.
- i'm watching Nova on pbs and it's a show about freezing chemicals and phsyics and getting to absolute zero (that's the title, i just heard it Absolute Zero), and i don't think they'll ever get to absolute zero, cause it's like the theory 'you can't prove something can't happen, just that you can't make it happen', or something like that. they were explaining how once you get to 1 degree kelvin it splits to smaller and smaller fractions of a degree, they've gotten to like 1 pico(?)-degree kelvin, like 0.00000000001 i think, or maybe way more 0's, i didn't see the screen when they said the number, but do you think they could get to absolute zero? what if they went to negative 0 kelvin? would they have to make a new temerature scale to measure it, like absolute zero would no longer be o degrees kelvin...? science boggles the mind, wow

- on youtube today i watched some friends clps, like the one with the game where the winner won the big appartment, and i watched the one where they play bamboozled, which looks like a fun game

- went to drive my sisters to dance, but my sis decided to drive, so i just hung out at my moms all day.
- my legs were supersore again today.
- was dreaming last night about riding the bart train and bus in oakland with my friend kat. and using a purple $10 bill to buy my bart ticket. it had some wierd guy on it to, not the usual $10 bill guy

- didn't do much today. added some more collage pic things to my myspace page.

drove my grandma to the chiropractor, then shopping at trader joes. got carls jr for lunch, then hung out at my moms all evening. played games online, watched some of the bourne ultimatum, and then what women want, then came home.
an ok day.
- sunday they're gonna have a b-day party at my moms for my sis, my nephew, and my birthdays. just grillin burgers and dogs. nothin too big. should be an ok time


OK...have a good day mate...