-so yesterday my mom started talking ot me about if i figured out what i want to do with my life, and asked again about if i want to go to college i should get an american indian college fund scholarship," cause your grandma was like half indian." for some reason that's the only scholarship my mom seems to think exists, cause it's the ONLY one she has EVER mentioned...
just something funny i thought i'd mention.
- and my dial-up connection isn't working... none of the local numbers work. i finally checked them all off to try and the computer says they're busy. the phone has dialtone but i didn't check if it won't dial out or not... i'll do more later.
- my sister called... it's the Last day to file for her student loan that i cosign for, so i had to go to my moms earlier than i was expecting to file it online. but i got it doen and then just hung out all afternoon and evening over there, goofing around online. everyone else went out.
ate leftovers for dinner when they got back: steaks, potato, and veggies. Mmmm
- so i go out to leave and it's freazing balls outside. and it was raining when i came over so my car was all wet, all the cars on the block were, but since it's luiterally freezing, everyones car has a huge layer of ice on it. that sucked. i had to sit and wait in the car for the window wipers, fluid, and defroster to clear off half the windshield, then i drove home with the front windows down. freezing cold. but i'm home no and getting warm.
- got the modem to work again, just had to turn off the call waiting turnoff prefix, *70.
- and last night talking on the phone with my best friend we freaked each other out by talking about maybe when you die your consciousness just floated around in a non physical void for eternity and drove you insane... like n that story the jaunt by steven king. we actually got on talking about it... i forget exactly how but it started with time being a dimension betwen 2 and 3 because without time they have no place to exist but without them time has no substance.. then we talked about quarks not following the standard laws of time and space and then- Oh, that's how we staretd on it, he saw some show where the guy got drugged and was awake while his friends pretended to do an autopsy on him, then later when he was in a car accident the drugs effects started again and he remained alive while they really did autosy him, which reminded me of a steven king story then i thought of the jaunt then we discussed death and what happens and i said what if once you die your consiciousness just floats around for eternity diembodied fromt eh ohysical realm and driving you insane. He said now he's scared to die in cause he never wondered about that possibility before and its scarier than ceasing to exist or there being a heaven and hell... now that i think of it i guess that would be about the worse kind of hell
-pigs nest ladedadadeda
-so yesterday my mom started talking ot me about if i figured out what i want to do with my life, and asked again about if i want to go to college i should get an american indian college fund scholarship," cause your grandma was like half indian." for some reason that's the only scholarship my mom seems to think exists, cause it's the ONLY one she has EVER mentioned...
just something funny i thought i'd mention.
- and my dial-up connection isn't working... none of the local numbers work. i finally checked them all off to try and the computer says they're busy. the phone has dialtone but i didn't check if it won't dial out or not... i'll do more later.
- my sister called... it's the Last day to file for her student loan that i cosign for, so i had to go to my moms earlier than i was expecting to file it online. but i got it doen and then just hung out all afternoon and evening over there, goofing around online. everyone else went out.
ate leftovers for dinner when they got back: steaks, potato, and veggies. Mmmm

- so i go out to leave and it's freazing balls outside. and it was raining when i came over so my car was all wet, all the cars on the block were, but since it's luiterally freezing, everyones car has a huge layer of ice on it. that sucked. i had to sit and wait in the car for the window wipers, fluid, and defroster to clear off half the windshield, then i drove home with the front windows down. freezing cold. but i'm home no and getting warm.

- got the modem to work again, just had to turn off the call waiting turnoff prefix, *70.

- and last night talking on the phone with my best friend we freaked each other out by talking about maybe when you die your consciousness just floated around in a non physical void for eternity and drove you insane... like n that story the jaunt by steven king. we actually got on talking about it... i forget exactly how but it started with time being a dimension betwen 2 and 3 because without time they have no place to exist but without them time has no substance.. then we talked about quarks not following the standard laws of time and space and then- Oh, that's how we staretd on it, he saw some show where the guy got drugged and was awake while his friends pretended to do an autopsy on him, then later when he was in a car accident the drugs effects started again and he remained alive while they really did autosy him, which reminded me of a steven king story then i thought of the jaunt then we discussed death and what happens and i said what if once you die your consiciousness just floats around for eternity diembodied fromt eh ohysical realm and driving you insane. He said now he's scared to die in cause he never wondered about that possibility before and its scarier than ceasing to exist or there being a heaven and hell... now that i think of it i guess that would be about the worse kind of hell


-pigs nest ladedadadeda
-so that was earlier this morning... like after midnight morning, but not sun-up morning... got kinda screwy just sitting here at the computer...
not planning on doing nothing today... except laundry
... and that's about all i did.
- woke up crying. had a dream where someone told me the blunt truth i'm scared they'll actually say to me in real life
but Morning's Here so i should be ok...
"Morning's Here
The Morning is Here
Sunshine is Here
The Sky is Clear
The Morning's here
Get into Gear
Breakfast is near
The Dark of Night Has Disappeared"
that's better
That face thing is kinda weird.